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I am going to tell you something now, Miss Wendermott, which I've often wanted to that is, if you're interested enough to care to hear it!" All the time she was asking herself how much he knew. She motioned him to proceed. "Monty had few things left in the world worth possessing, but there was one which he had never parted with, which he carried with him always.

I pointed out to Miss Wendermott that you were in the prime of life and in magnificent condition, while her father was already on the threshold of the grave and drinking himself into a fever in a squalid hut in a village of swamps. I told her that I suspected foul play, that I followed you both and found her father left to the tender mercies of the savages, deserted by you in the bush.

My name is Wendermott Ernestine Wendermott." He repeated it after her. "Thank you," he said. "I am beginning to think of some more things which I might have told you." "Why, I should have to write a novel then to get them all in," she said. "I am sure you have given me all the material I need here." "I am going," he said abruptly, "to ask you something very strange and very presumptuous!"

There was nothing in his life to make him worthy of a woman's love, most surely there was nothing which could ever make it possible that such a woman as Ernestine Wendermott should ever care for him. All the wealth of Africa could never make him anything different from what he was. And yet, as he sat and realised this, he knew that he was writing down his life a failure.

She interrupted him, coming over and standing before him, leaning against his table, and looking him in the face. "You don't understand. I am not going to disclose myself! You will reply to Mr. Trent that the daughter of his old partner is not in need of charity, however magnificently tendered. You understand?" "I understand, Miss Wendermott."

May I ask her name?" "Miss Ernestine Wendermott," Trent answered slowly. Francis threw away his cigarette and lit another. "Thank you," he said. Da Souza's office was neither furnished nor located with the idea of impressing casual visitors. It was in a back-street off an alley, and although within a stone's throw of Lothbury its immediate surroundings were not exhilarating.

Afterwards came our terrible journey back to the Coast, when I carried the poor old chap on my back day by day, and stood over him at night potting those black beasts when they crept up too close for they were on our track all the time. I wouldn't tell you the whole story of those days, Miss Wendermott for it would keep you awake at night; but I've a fancy for telling you this.

After all he must be possessed of a wonderful measure of adaptability. "You have become famous," she said. "Do you know that you are going to be made a lion?" "I suppose the papers have been talking a lot of rot," he answered bluntly. "I've had a fairly rough time, and I'm glad to tell you this, Miss Wendermott I don't believe I'd ever have succeeded but for your nephew Fred.

"You'll remember, I hope, Miss Wendermott," he said, "that this is the first afternoon call I've ever paid. I've no idea how long I ought to have stayed, but certainly not two hours." "The time has passed quickly," she said, smiling upon him, so that his momentary discomfort passed away. "I have been very interested in the stories of your past, Mr.

"We are playing with the cards upon the table, so I will be frank with you. What you told me about your intentions towards Miss Wendermott makes me determined to strike at once!" "You yourself, I fancy," Trent said quietly, "admired her?" "More than any woman I have ever met," Francis answered promptly, "and I consider your attitude towards her grossly presumptuous."