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When done, thicken the water with a little flour, and serve. Cheese, butter, bread, pepper. Cut thin slices of cheese and put them with a little butter into a saucepan. When well melted pour over hot well-buttered toast. Dust with pepper. Put into a very hot oven for a few minutes and serve. Put the flour into a pan or large basin, add salt to taste, and mix it well in.

Take the inner lettuce leaves; sprinkle with salt and pepper. Mix the yolks of 2 hard-boiled eggs with 1 tablespoonful of olive-oil and stir all together with 2 tablespoonfuls of white wine vinegar. Serve at once with meats. Austrian Baked Eggs. Poach fresh eggs one at a time; then put in a well-buttered baking-dish; sprinkle with salt, pepper, bits of butter and grated cheese.

Mix thoroughly and mold the dough into small wreaths; brush the top with the yolk of an egg and sprinkle with powdered sweet almonds. Lay in a well-buttered baking-tin and bake until a deep yellow. French Waffles. Sift 3 cups of flour with 1-1/2 teaspoonfuls of baking-powder and 1/2 teaspoonful of salt. Beat the yolks of 3 eggs; add a tablespoonful of melted butter and 2 cups of warm milk.

Drain it well and then put a layer in the bottom of a well-buttered pudding-dish; upon this some grated cheese and small pieces of butter, a bit of salt, then more macaroni, and so on, filling the dish; sprinkle the top layer with a thick layer of cracker crumbs. Pour over the whole a teacupful of cream or milk. Set it in the oven and bake half an hour. It should be nicely browned on top.

Let it rise over night; in the morning, add two well-beaten eggs; knead thoroughly and let it rise again. Place close together in even rows on well-buttered pans. Cover and let them rise again, then bake in a quick oven to a delicate brown.

Line a well-buttered pudding-dish with slices of sponge-cake and cover with peach compote. Make an egg custard and cover with the custard; set in the oven to bake. Beat the whites of 2 eggs with a little lemon-juice and pulverized sugar spread on the top and let brown. Serve cold. French Veal Hash. Cut veal round-steak into small pieces.

Pound three ounces of the white meat of cooked chicken as fine as possible; mix with it half a pint of cream and three well beaten eggs, a few button mushrooms finely chopped, a saltspoonful of salt, a sixth of one of pepper, a dust of cayenne, and a speck of powdered mace. Pour the mixture in a well-buttered mould, tie a cloth over it, and steam it half an hour.

To make small cakes omit one of the egg-whites, fill well-buttered gem pans a little more than half full, and bake in a moderately hot oven until a delicate brown. The white reserved may be beaten to a stiff froth and then gradually stir in four tablespoons of powdered sugar and the juice of half a lemon.

Bake on a well-buttered pan in a quick oven a very pale yellow. Macaroons. These must be exempted from the charge of being tedious, they are so easily and quickly made. One pound of almond paste grated, one pound and a half of sugar, and the whites of seven eggs. Some confectioners use a teaspoonful of flour, with the idea that the macaroons are not so apt to fall.

Let rise till very light, then take out on mixing board and roll out to about one-half inch in thickness. Cut in rounds three inches in diameter and lay on a well-buttered pan, pressing down the centre of each so as to raise a ridge around the edge. When well risen, brush the top over with stiffly-beaten white of an egg and sprinkle with granulated sugar.