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Roast two small peppers, take off their skins, remove the seeds, and cut into strips. Then wash two anchovies, remove the bones, and cut also into strips. Take a small baking-dish, put in the strips of peppers and tomatoes and the anchovies. Add two tablespoons of good olive-oil and put on the top of the stove until the ingredients boil.

Or boil in salt and water, dry them, dip them into butter, fry, and serve them up with melted butter. Or having boiled, stew, and toss them up with white or brown gravy. Add a little cayenne, ketchup, and salt, and thicken with a bit of butter and flour. CHARLOTTE. Rub a baking-dish thick with butter, and line the bottom and sides with very thin slices of white bread.

Beat 4 yolks of eggs; add 6 soda crackers crushed fine, salt, pepper, 1 teaspoonful of grated onion, 1 tablespoonful of butter and 1 cup of milk. Beat up well; add the whites beaten stiff; put into a well-buttered baking-dish and let bake in a hot oven. Serve at once. Italian Batter Cakes.

Take a baking-dish and put into it alternate layers of tomato and rice, finishing off with a layer of tomato, covered up with grated bread crumbs moistened with melted butter. Bake in a moderate oven for a good half-hour. Cut into small pieces one ounce of raw ham, fat and lean. Chop up fine a small piece of onion, and put it with the ham into a frying-pan with one-half a tablespoon of butter.

Boil a large hen in 3 quarts of water. Add a few slices of ham, 1 onion sliced, some sliced mushrooms, 2 stalks of celery cut fine, 2 tomatoes and Chinese chopped herbs. Let cook three hours and strain; then boil up; add fine noodles and let cook ten minutes. Add chopped parsley and serve at once. Hindu Eggs. Slice some hard-boiled eggs and place in a well-buttered baking-dish.

Fortunately we had a good stock of these utensils consisting of a gridiron, a large camp-kettle, a couple of mess-pans, a baking-dish, a first-rate coffee-pot and mill, half-a-dozen tin-cups and plates, with an assortment of knives, forks, and spoons.

Fill the halves with the mixture; sprinkle with bread-crumbs and bits of butter. Put in a baking-dish with a little stock and bake. Norwegian Fish Pudding. Remove the bones from a large cooked fish and chop to a fine mince. Mix with 2 beaten eggs, 2 tablespoonfuls of cream, 1 tablespoonful of butter, season with salt, black pepper and 1/4 teaspoonful of paprica.

Make broad noodles with three eggs. Boil until tender, drain, pouring cold water through colander. Stew prunes, sprinkle with sugar and cinnamon. In a well-greased baking-dish place one-quarter of the noodles, bits of butter or other fat, add one-half of the prunes, then another layer of the noodles, butter or fat, the remaining prunes, the rest of the noodles.

Four plates, two cups and saucers, two each of knives, forks, and spoons, a tin teapot, a quart jug, a pail, a bit of Kidderminster carpet, half a pound of yellow soap, a scrubbing-brush and broom, two towels, a kettle, a saucepan and a baking-dish, and a pint of paraffin. Also there was a tin lamp to hang on the wall with a dazzling crinkled tin reflector.

Beat the yolks of 4 eggs; add a pinch of salt, 1 tablespoonful of melted butter, 1 small cup of milk and sifted flour enough to make a smooth batter. Beat well. Add the whites of eggs, beaten stiff and let fry a golden color; then spread with jam and serve hot. Spanish Baked Eggs. Poach eggs as soft as possible. Butter a baking-dish; add a layer of bread-crumbs and grated cheese.