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I thought he never would go on. He waited like he wanted to be sure the groom was listening. "That very dog's father," says the pal, "is Regent Royal, son of Champion Regent Monarch, champion bull-terrier of England for four years." I was sore, and torn, and chewed most awful, but what the pal said sounded so fine that I wanted to wag my tail, only couldn't, owing to my hanging from it.

In the mind of such a man there could surely be no secret chamber within which she had, with his knowledge, almost penetrated. "I won't trouble you any more, sir," she said mournfully. "I dare say I'm a foolish old woman." "You are, Nancy. We don't get wiser as we grow older, you see; and when we let our tongues wag, we're apt to talk nonsense.

Some people may wag their heads at bump suppers and call them silly, or whatever they please, but they have forgotten the joy of living, and find their chief delight in criticizing the pleasures of those who are younger and happier than themselves. I suppose they are useful in their way, but thank goodness their way is not mine.

But his tone was rather blustering than brave. "Very well, don't then," said Wag; and I expected him to run up and pull Wisp down by the legs, but he didn't do that. He took something out of the breast of his tunic, put it in his mouth, lay down on his stomach, and, with his eyes on Wisp, puffed out his cheeks.

Were I free, well I know I could seek out and obtain the money wherewith to repay the government. I know of a nose that will save me from all my difficulties." "A nose!" cried the jailer. "A nose," said Yi Chin Ho. "A remarkable nose, if I may say so, a most remarkable nose." The jailer threw up his hands despairingly. "Ah, what a wag you are, what a wag," he laughed.

"And did you see her with flowers in her hair?" asked Nan in a stage whisper. "Verbenas!" and then a fat boy who sang tenor and passed as something of a wag sang: "Sweet Evelina, Last time I seen her Stole a verbena Out of her hair." At this all the young folks laughed.

It was Messer Betto and his Company away to hunt the cranes along the brookside of Peretola. "So ho!" cried one of them, whose name was Bocca, "see yonder, Messer Guido the Philosopher, who scorns us for our good life and gentle ways and merry doings. He seems half frozen." "And well he may be," put in Messer Doria, who was reputed a wag.

And dismounting, he drew out from a pack-bag a long calico bag containing quite ten pounds of tea. "You struck the Wag's tin," he said, explaining the mistake, as every one shouted for Sam to boil a kettle instantly, and with the tea came a message from the Wag himself: "I'll trouble you for my raisins "; and we could almost hear the Wag's slow, dry chuckle underlying the words.

Then you had better stop your ears, my dear, for as long as my tongue can wag. . . ." "Hush, grandmother, say no more," said the girl resolutely. "Do not provoke me with more than I can bear. Eros has pierced me later than he does most girls and has done it but once, but how deeply you can never know. If you speak ill of him you only aggravate the wound and you would not be so cruel!

In those days there was a saying among the people which was in common usage all over Ireland. When a man became possessed of any article or property to which he had a doubtful title his neighbours said, with a significant wag of the head, "He got it where the Keeper gets the Key." This saying arose out of a mysterious thing in the life of the Keeper of the Key. Nobody ever saw the secret key.