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Updated: August 1, 2024

"Oh, miss, don't go for to blame yourself; you fed her, you clothed her, when her own father, the villing, sent her away from hisself to you, you of all people, you. How could you be caressing and fawning on his child, their child?" Mrs. Crane hung her head gloomily. "What is past is past. I have lived to save that child, and a curse seems lifted from my soul. Now listen.

Jocelyn as well as of Mildred. "I 'ope yer'll halways remember yer 'ave a neighbor that's 'andy and villing," she said, as she courtesied herself out. "Hit's too bad," she muttered, on her way back to her room, "that she's 'ad to come down to this, for she's a born lady; she's has much a lady as hany 'oo howned this 'ouse a 'undred years hago."

"I ham villing, Captain Vilson, to make hany hallowance for the eat of political discussion but that is not hall that I ave to complain hof. Mr Heasy thought proper to say that I was a swindler and a liar." "Did you make use of those expressions, Mr Easy?" "Yes, sir, he did," continued the steward; "and, moreover, told me not to cheat the men, and not to cheat my master, the purser.

"But, Lor' love you, miss, you would not put yourself in the power of such a black-hearted villing?" "In his power! No, Bridget; fear not, he must be in mine, sooner or later in mine, hand and foot. Patience!" As she was thus speaking, a knock at the door! "It is he; I told you so; quick!" But it was not Jasper Losely. It was Mr. Rugge. "When God wills, all winds bring rain." Ancient Proverb.

"Oh, shoost der ding for me!" cried Schmucke, stopping his acquaintance. "Dopinart! you haf a lodging someveres, eh?" "Yes, sir." "A home off your own?" "Yes, sir." "Are you villing to take me for ein poarder? Oh!

"I am cock sure the hall door was not latched," said Duffy; "for they had neither stop nor stay at it." "There is a villing among us sartainly," observed Mrs. O'Brien; "for as heaving is above me, I locked it wid my own two hands this blessed night."

"I ham villing, Captain Vilson, to make hany hallowance for the eat of political discussion but that is not hall that I ave to complain hof. Mr Easy thought proper to say that I was a swindler and a liar." "Did you make use of those expressions, Mr Easy?" "Yes, sir, he did," continued the steward, "and, moreover, told me not to cheat the men, and not to cheat my master the purser.

If you succeed in that little transaction, I will tell you that I love you, my fat Frederic, in such plain terms that you cannot but believe me." "You are an enchantress," said the Baron, kissing Esther's glove. "I should be villing to listen to abuse for ein hour if alvays der vas a kiss at de ent of it."

"Yes, sir." "Are you villing to take me for ein poarder? Oh! I shall pay ver' vell; I haf nine hundert vrancs of inkomm, und I haf not ver' long ter lif.... I shall gif no drouble vatefer.... I can eat onydings I only vant to shmoke mein bipe. Und you are der only von dat haf shed a tear for Bons, mit me; und so, I lof you."

Jackson, a covey vot is desirous of jining our select society, provided, as the land sharks say, you is villing." Jackson appeared delighted with the introduction; although I thought that I could detect a slight look of disgust upon his face when we extended our soiled hands and shook his white palm.

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