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Why d'you think it?" "They blindfolded me," said Lockley briefly. A pause. Then the driver said vexedly, "That's a funny thing to make you think they was men! Hell! Excuse me, ma'm! they coulda had all kindsa reasons for blindfoldin' you! It coulda been part of their religion!" "Maybe," said Lockley. He was angry with himself for having said something which was needlessly dramatic.

"Look," said the Colonel, "the poor cripple trembles so, that he cannot attain the high coach-box. He does not appear accustomed to such a place. Help him a little, reverend priest." The sturdy vicar of St. Sulpice, who had pressed forward, helped up the old man with arms and shoulders. "Accustomed, or not accustomed!" cried Vila, vexedly, "he may thank heaven, that I take him with me at all.

"Just as you wish, gentlemen; this is a matter of your personal view, but out of principle I go together with Boris. Let him be not right and so on, we can express censure to him in our own intimate company, but when an insult has been rendered our comrade I can't remain here. I am going away." "Oh, my God!" And Lichonin nervously and vexedly scratched his temple.

"Forgive me," said Agricola, in a tone of sincere grief, and he struck his forehead vexedly. To this Mother Bunch alluded sometimes, but very rarely, for she observed punctilious discretion. The girl had gone out with Agricola and his mother. Such occasions were, indeed, holidays for her.

Then he frowned, as if he were dissatisfied with what he'd said. He shook his head and made an impatient gesture. "No good," he said vexedly. "You can't say it. Hm-m-m ... I'll nap a while until the Aldeb gets here." He settled back to doze. Patrolman Willis regarded him with an odd expression.

Kerr was fairly before her, presented to her, and taking her in with the same lively, impersonal interest with which he took in the whole room, "as if," she put it vexedly to herself, "I were a specimen poked at him on the end of a pin," it stirred in her a vague resentment; and involuntarily she held him up to Harry.

"I decline to answer that question until I have consulted someone better able or shall I say, more willing? to instruct me as to the speediest means of punishing a malefactor." "The noble lord is disqualified," broke in Devar. "This is the second time since the flag fell that he has refused his fences." "If you interrupt again I shall turn you out of the room, Mr. Devar," cried Steingall vexedly.

"No, I have graver matters to attend to than devil-mongering," says Manuel, "and a bond to lift from myself before I can lay miseries on others." For because of the geas that was on him to make a figure in the world, Dom Manuel had unpacked his two images, and after vexedly considering them, he had fallen again to modeling in clay, and had made a third image.

I suppose all I'm fit for is Mrs Eweword Mrs 'Dora' Eweword; do my housework in the morning and take one of these sulkies full of youngsters for a drive in the afternoon like all the other humdrum, tame-hen, respectable married women! It's a sweet prospect, isn't it?" she said vexedly, throwing herself on the bed. "Don't be absolutely absurd!

She shook her head: "I don't care to," she answered, looking restlessly, this time, down the corridor. "Come to the door just a minute and see the way they've lighted the arches." She knew just the expression of his eyes that went with that tone. She looked vexedly at him to confirm her suspicion.