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With a few rough yet dexterous movements he arranged the dark folds so as to hide her shoulders and the upper part of her body. Then he stood back a few paces. "But your green eyes! A disguise for them will be impossible. One sees them always." "Les yeux verts. Vont

It does not quite imply unselfishness; and that is perceived by her shrewd head. Still he is a very uncommon figure in her circle, and she esteems him, l'homme aux rubans verts, 'who sometimes diverts but more often horribly vexes her, as she can say of him when her satirical tongue is on the run.

The Hôtel du Nord is a rambling old house, comfortable after French ideas of comfort, and rejoicing in an excellent cuisine; though it is true that on one occasion, at least, haricots verts

It does not quite imply unselfishness; and that is perceived by her shrewd head. Still he is a very uncommon figure in her circle, and she esteems him, l'homme aux rubans verts, 'who sometimes diverts but more often horribly vexes her, as she can say of him when her satirical tongue is on the run.

Some of the finest and most spiritual of the Vedic hymns are addressed to him and yet it is hard to say whether they are addressed to a person or a beverage. The personification is not much more than when French writers call absinthe "La fée aux yeux verts." Later, Soma was identified with the moon, perhaps because the juice was bright and shining.

Ne regrette pas ces colliers Qu'ont a leur cou les riches dames! Tu trouveras dans les halliers, Des tissus verts, aux fines trames! Ta perle?... Mais, c'est le jais noir Qui sur l'envers du fosse pousse! Et le cadre de ton miroir Est une bordure de mousse! Tes bracelets?.. Mais, tes bras nus, Tu paraitras cent fois plus belle! Sur les bras jolis de Venus, Aucun cercle d'or n'etincelle!

Humant l'acre parfum des Ears opened to the shores' grands bois odorants, harmonious tunes, Rasant les îlots verts et les Following in their dreams and dunes d'opale, voices mellow, De méandre en méandre, au fil To wander and wander in the l'onde pâle, thread of the pale billow, Suivre le cours des flots Past islands hushed and errants. . . . opalescent dunes.

Her fingers, prompted by a note, had gone from it into Gounod. "Will you marry me?" "Certainly not." It was as though he had asked her to go skating. To mark the absurdity of it her voice mounted. "Le printemps chasse les hivers " The words are imbecile but the air, which is charming, seemed to occupy her wholly. "Et sourit dans les arbres verts "

"I can take care of myself," truculently. "So I have often been forced to observe," dryly. "But, uncle dear, I am becoming so dreadfully bored!" "That sounds final," sighed the old man, helping himself to the haricots verts. "I am only twenty." The old man's shoulders rose and fell resignedly. "No man has an answer for that." "I promise to tell you everything that happens; by telegraph."

For a while the woods faded away, and in that tangled clearing rose the towers of Notre Dame, and the Seine glittered on under its great bridges, and again the world smelled of absinthe, and picturesque madmen gesticulated in clouds of tobacco smoke, and propounded fantastic philosophies amid the rattle of dominoes and afar off in the street a voice was crying "Haricots verts!"