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Partly to avenge himself upon the earl, and partly to be near his vassal's wife, the king arrayed a great host. He crossed the Severn, and coming before the castle where the earl lay, he sought to take it by storm. Finding that he might not speed, he sat down before the tower, and laid siege to those within. The host invested the castle closely for full seven days, but could not breach the walls.

"Ha, ha!" she replied, "I aye thought it would come to this. It's but sitting silent when they examine me there's nae torture in our days; and if there is, let them rend me! It's ill o' the vassal's mouth that betrays the bread it eats." "Speak to her, Edie," said the Antiquary; "she knows your voice, and answers to it most readily." "We shall mak naething mair out o' her," said Ochiltree.

DON CAESAR. Remember thou thy vassal's duty; Remember and be silent! Leave to me To follow, as I list, the spirit of power That leads me to the goal. No happy one May look into my breast: but if thy prince Owns not a subject's homage, dread at least The murderer! the accursed! and to the head Of the unhappy sacred to the gods Give honors due.

"My lord, a handful of men were fit enough escort for a neighbouring baron should he visit us, but, for a prince of the Church, all my retainers are but scanty acknowledgment of a vassal's regard. I would they had been twenty thousand, to do you seemly honour." "I am easily satisfied, madame, and had they been fewer I might have missed this charming outlook.

At an early date we find cases of conquered princes a Duke of Aquitaine, a Duke of Bavaria, a King of Denmark who take the vassal's oath and agree to hold their former dominions as a beneficium. So again a member of the royal house does homage and promises service in return for his appanage. More common, and more important for the future, is the practice of treating counts as vassals.

But suddenly the khedive was threatened with a serious disappointment: the sultan, his suzerain, wanted to join in the festivities; and if he were present, he must be the chief personage, the khedive would be thrust into a vassal's place, and all his glory, all his pleasure in his fête, would be gone.

Shalmaneser, upon this, came up against Samaria for the second time, determined now to punish his vassal's perfidy with due severity. Apparently, he was unresisted; at any rate, Hoshea fell into his power, and was seized, bound, and shut up in prison. A year or two later Shalmaneser made his third and last expedition into Syria.

"Why should I give up so many a knight, who with the warrior doth owe us service?" Kriemhild, the passing fair, waxed wroth out of wit. "Thou must forego that ho ever do you a vassal's service; he is worthier than my brother Gunther, the full noble man. Thou must retract what I have heard thee say.

A vote, a jury, a newspaper, would not be as they are, things of which it is hard to make the right use, or any use; they would be things of which nobody would even try to make any use. A vote would actually look like a vassal's cry of "haro," a jury would look like a joust; many would no more read headlines than blazon heraldic coats.

"Ha, ha!" she replied, "I aye thought it would come to this. It's but sitting silent when they examine me there's nae torture in our days; and if there is, let them rend me! It's ill o' the vassal's mouth that betrays the bread it eats." "Speak to her, Edie," said the Antiquary; "she knows your voice, and answers to it most readily." "We shall mak naething mair out o' her," said Ochiltree.