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Radford, who is always serene," she said urgently; and so, more to please her than himself, her father said he would go. "Come down and see me into the boat, Miss Katherine; it won't hurt Mary to be alone, and I want to say thank you for coming to the rescue so promptly the other day," he said.

Urgently, nay, almost humbly, he at last entreated her to have patience, for, if not at noon, his Majesty would surely desire to hear the boy choir in the evening.

"Somebody ought to play hostess, since I must be here," I responded, without meeting his inquiring eye. I did urgently need some one to beat the oil into the salad dressing I was making, for there were other things I must do. The Gay Lady was already accomplishing separate things with each hand, and directing Lad at the same time. The Skeptic looked at her appreciatively.

Says he wants to see me urgently on business that concerns us both." "Did he ask you to come alone?" "Yes. He distinctly said that I was to come alone and be prompt." "Jim," I argued, "you can't go out there alone to meet that man. It's too infernally dangerous." "There's no danger, Bupps; but I'm not going alone. Helen is going with me."

A Scotch minister innocently, perhaps, hit the mark by telling his people, "Weel, friends, the kirk is urgently in need of siller, and as we have failed to get money honestly we will have to see what a bazar can do for us."

Under these circumstances, active measures against the town do not seem to be urgently required at the present moment, and I hope no step will be taken by the President of the South African Republic liable to cause more bloodshed and excite civil war in the Republic. 6th January. No. 2. Met President South African Republic and Executive Council to-day.

They raised a new set of possibilities in Gwendolen's mind a vision of what Grandcourt might do for her mother if she, Gwendolen, did what she was not going to do. She was so moved by a new rush of ideas that, like one conscious of being urgently called away, she felt that the immediate task must be hastened: the letter must be written, else it might be endlessly deferred.

'Of course I'm sure, said Simon, who in the excitement of the trail had ceased to be a valet. To jump into a hansom and order the driver to keep the four-wheeler in sight ought to have been the work of a few seconds, but it occurred, as invariably occurs when a hansom is urgently needed, that no hansom was available.

Of ancient Frisian blood himself, he knew that the, spirit of the ancient Batavians and Frisians had not wholly deserted their descendants. He knew that they were not easily roused, that they were patient, but that they would strike at last and would endure. He urgently solicited the King to release him, and pleaded his infirmities of body in excuse.

But I contrive very little. We are pillars of the Conservative party on that Justin's mind is firmly settled and every now and then I clamor urgently that we must do more for it.