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Here goes, so shut your eyes." She obeyed, and when she opened them he was naked to the waist, and his undershirt, torn in strips, was being bound about her feet. "You were in the rear, and I did not know " "Don't apologize, pray," she interrupted. "I could have spoken." "I'm not; I'm reproaching you. Now, the other one. Put it up!"

"What's the name matter?" the supercargo demanded, taking advantage of speech to pause with arms shoved into the sleeves of the undershirt. "There it is, right under our nose, and old Parlay is there with the pearls." "Who see them pearl?" Hermann queried, looking from one to another. "It's well known," was the supercargo's reply.

My socks were in fine shape, but Ted's began to show signs of dissolution. The heels were gone, and the toe of one was broken and going. His feet were sore and blistered, and he sat long looking at the perfidious socks which had failed him so soon. Then he had a plan he would make himself a pair out of the sleeves of his undershirt.

A close fitting undershirt is often worn, and above this is an elaborately beaded or embroidered coat which generally opens in front. The hemp cloth trousers scarcely reach to the knee, and the bottom of each leg is decorated with a beaded or embroidered band. Two belts are worn, one to hold the trousers, the other to support the fighting or working knives which each man carries.

The coal heaver had only trousers and an undershirt on, and looked as black as a Negro. Sweat poured over his coal-blackened face. We gripped hands. The lady watched us with interest. "Do you know him?" she asked. "Yes, indeed!" I said. "And you must know him, for he is one of our deacons." She never came back. Democracy like that was too much for her.

When Tad at last appeared, clad in undershirt and trousers, he greeted the Ranger with a leveled Winchester; but when Dave had made known his identity he invited him in, though with surly reluctance. Lewis was a sandy-complexioned man of about forty, with colorless brows and a mean, shifty eye.

Now Jay was an honorable man at least he wouldn't steal the buttons off your undershirt while you had it on, and hotel keepers; did not take the precaution to chain his knife and fork to the table; but in his palmiest days he paid taxes on but $75,000 worth of personal property railway securities and "sich."

Baylor spends no money here worth mentioning. Its students are chiefly forks-of-the-creek yaps who curry horses or run errands for their board and wear the same undershirt the year round. They take but two baths during their lifetime one when they are born, the other when they are baptized. The institution is worth less than nothing to any town.

It was a beautiful, hot, sunny morning, and after breakfast Uncle Ike came out on the porch in his shirt sleeves, and with a pair of old hunting shoes on, and his shirt sleeves rolled up, showing the sleeves of a red flannel undershirt, a kind he always wore, winter and summer.

He was the antithesis of asceticism, of gentleness, of spiritual and scholarly repose. He was simply a big man lustily chopping, red in the face from his exertions, beads of sweat standing out on brow and cheek, his sturdy neck all a-glisten with moisture. Under his thin, short-sleeved undershirt his biceps rippled and played.