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"Clear enough to me," the big man growled; but he was quite evidently influenced by Hendricks' words. "However, I'm willing to wait but we must put Mrs, Embury under surveillance " "Under what!" demanded Eunice, her beautiful face again contorted by uncontrollable anger. "I will not be watched or spied upon!" "Hush, Eunice," begged Elliott. "Try to keep yourself calm.

There was at least a fair hope that long before that time arrived one or both of the boys would have learned a trade and decided to live a respectable life in the future; for many lads who were deemed uncontrollable at home, under the lax training they received there, have been fashioned into splendid men because of the strict discipline at the Reform School.

"But you won't be alone," he pointed out, with his kindly smile. "You will be very much the reverse, I can assure you." She gave that sharp, uncontrollable little shiver of hers. "You mean Eustace " she said haltingly. "Yes, Eustace, and all the people round who will want to know his bride," said Scott. "I don't think you will have much time to be lonely.

'I call it unfortunate, Miss Helena, resumed Mr. Crisparkle, 'forasmuch as it certainly has engendered a prejudice against Neville. There is a notion about, that he is a dangerously passionate fellow, of an uncontrollable and furious temper: he is really avoided as such.

Whenever he spontaneously and truly creates artistic forms, he obeys the imperious vital instinct for congruity; nay, he seeks to eke out the insufficient harmony between himself and the things which he cannot command, the insufficient harmony between the uncontrollable parts of himself, by a harmony created on purpose in the things which he can control.

Besides, the lad had heard tales from his father a garrulous Gascon of his excellency's temper those mad outbursts even when a child. There was a trace of the fierce, or half-insane temperament of the great Ivan in the uncontrollable Strogareff line, so the story went. Francois returned to his instrument; his excellency's look swept beyond.

It seemed to me that a young man with such an uncontrollable thirst for knowledge would not be suited for the very simple service which would be required of him in our household. Afterward, traces of both of these men were found which led unmistakably to the lair of the chief spider of the German secret service at The Hague. The incident was a very small one.

A wild desire to seize her in his arms and cover her pale face with kisses, made his heart throb to suffocation and brought cold beads to his brow; and just as these feelings gained an almost uncontrollable dominion over his reason, will and judgment, the girl awoke and started to her feet in confusion.

"I love you!" his face was white, his words fierce-breathed, almost incoherent and he leaned toward her with a sudden, uncontrollable movement, his arms sweeping out to clasp her. "I love you, Helena I love you. Do you understand it's you! You I love you!" "You love me!" she retreated from him, but her head was raised now, and her voice rang with a bitterness cold as the touch of death. "Love!

Moreover, her dying mother talked to her long and earnestly, and with her last breath gave her loving counsel that sank deep into her heart, already softened by an uncontrollable sorrow and weakened by long vigils. Scarcely had Madame de l'Enclos closed her eyes upon the things of earth, than Ninon conceived the project of withdrawing from the world and entering a convent.