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Let me see thy callimanco shoes. Thee knows that I may not wear these others." The storekeeper brought the plainest footgear that his stock afforded. "They are of a very small size, perhaps too small. Had you not better try them ere you buy? I could get a larger pair from Mr. Carter's store." Truelove seated herself upon a convenient stool, and lifted her gray skirt an inch above a slender ankle.

What would you cry out, Truelove? How heavy would be thy heart, Truelove?" Truelove sat in silence, with her eyes upon the sky above the dream crags. "How heavy would grow thy heart, Truelove, Truelove?" whispered the Highlander. Up the winding water, to the sedges and reeds below the little yard, glided the boy Ephraim in his boat. The Quakeress started, and the color flamed into her gentle face.

In vain they waited for another letter none came. Hope deferred maketh the heart sick. Still they hoped, and hoped on, that tidings would come some day or other. At length rumours arrived that Captain Summers' ship, the Truelove, with all hands, had been lost on a coral reef. Captain Askew would not allow himself to believe the report, and he took a journey to London to ascertain its truth.

"Surely it were well," agreed Truelove sweetly, and went out into the crisp winter weather. The holly, the pine, and the cedar made green places in the woods, and the multitude of leaves underfoot were pleasant to tread. Clouds were in the sky, but the spaces between were of serenest blue, and in the sunshine the creek flashed diamonds.

Truelove, kneeling to wipe a fleck of dust from her wheel, suddenly, with a catch of her breath and a lifting of her brown eyes, saw in the Scripture she had been repeating a meaning and application hitherto unexpected. "The peacemaker ... that is one who makes peace, in the world, between countries, in families, yea, in the heart of one alone.

Her wonderful eyes, dancing with mirth, were starry in their radiance. "One would think that I did not make a good Quakeress, Peggy, to hear you talk. Now confess," pinching Peggy's cheek playfully, "you did not dream that I was aught other than Truelove Davis; did you?" "N-no; and yet thee puzzled me," said Peggy. "Oh, Harriet, thee should turn play actress."

Swaagman, Truelove, and Bell were the first summoned, and no objections being raised to them, nor further securities asked for, these four gentlemen were all that were needed.

Truelove tells me that they made him pick oakum in prison till his fingers were raw, and laughed at him for complaining. He was then seventy years old! Think of it, reader, and reflect on the tender mercies of the religion of charity. During my imprisonment I never worked at anything but fibre-picking.

The two had the store to themselves; for Ephraim waited for his sister at the landing, rocking in his boat on the bosom of the river, watching a flight of wild geese drawn like a snowy streamer across the dark blue sky. It was late autumn, and the forest was dressed in flame color. "Thy fingers move so slowly that I fear thee is not well," said Truelove kindly.

"Truelove" ain't any name for a man, Mary, I tell her. But she says there couldn't be a better one. And she insisted on naming the child 'Fidelity. But if anybody had told me that my little Mary would take things into her own hands like that why, Judge, before she went away to teach school, she leaned on me and her mother and now she's as stiff as a poker when we try to ask about her affairs "