United States or Mozambique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

There are the thousand and one mechanical details to be worked out: the coupling up of these three local lines at their connecting points, the securing of proper trackage or trackage rights at these junctions, the general ordering of things so that a through line may be opened immediately when the stock is secured.

The usual remedy for this situation is insistence that the railways shall provide ample rolling stock, trackage and terminals to take care of the annual peakload. We have fallen far behind in the provision of even normal railway equipment during the war and an additional 500,000 cars and locomotives are no doubt needed.

Including stocks, bonds, funded debt and debenture stock, the Dominion railways have a capital of $1,369,992,574; and the country that had not a foot of railroads, when the patriots fought the Family Compact, to-day possesses twenty-nine thousand miles of trackage, three transcontinental systems of railroads and threescore lines touching the boundary.

"Impossible to be sure on the trackage already built here, Tom?" "I haven't dared give her all she'll take," grumbled Tom. "If I did, I fear she'd jump the rails and I'd have a wreck on my hands." "And maybe kill yourself!" exclaimed Ned. "You want to have a care." "Oh, that's all right! I've taken risks before. I don't want to risk the safety of the locomotive, which is more important.

To quote: "Thursday, nine a.m., Peoria see Sedgwick; ten make trackage contract with T.P. & W.; eleven a.m., Davenport inventory motive power see chief despatcher get profiles and maps get copies of yard contracts get crossing rights get total tonnage of grain cars. Three p.m., Hannibal see Berdan and whip him into line inspect shops get contracts get "

Long lines of freight cars filled the trackage, and overloaded switch engines struggled with ever-growing burdens to avert the inevitable blockade of the night.

And now, while we have a clear day before us, I want to go over these C. P. & D. terminal contracts with you. Right here in Chicago is where the Transcontinental will try hardest to balk us. The C. P. & D. has trackage rights to the elevators; but I want to be sure that the contracts will hold water under a transfer of ownership."

As evidence of the growth of the railway business of the country, the New York Central proper has added since the reorganization an enormous amount of increased trackage, and has practically rebuilt, as a necessary second line, the West Shore and used fully its very large terminal facilities on the Jersey side of the Hudson. During his active life Mr.

At Chicago I received from his private secretary a telegram reading: "Mr. Pendleton will see you at any time after the 9th inst. We had been having some correspondence with Mr. Halliday's office on matters of disputed switching and trackage dues. The controversy had gone up from subordinate to subordinate to the fountain of power itself.

This arrangement proved unprofitable to the Santa Fe, for the Southern Pacific naturally diverted traffic to El Paso and Ogden, A new arrangement was accordingly made in 1884, involving the purchase, by the Atlantic and Pacific, of the Southern Pacific division between Needles and Mojave, the obtaining of trackage rights between Mojave and San Francisco, and the use of the Southern Pacific terminals at San Francisco.