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There would be nothing wonderful about this, if it were not for the fact that a visit to this freak of nature, has, according to Corean accounts, the property of curing the worst of tooth-aches. Though I was not myself afflicted with the complaint in question, I went one afternoon to witness the pilgrimage that takes place every day to this miraculous spot.

"Wonderful sure! But what did you do with the honey, Ben? some of the pots wasn't broke," urged notable Mrs. Acton. "Oh, burn the slimy stuff, I warn't going to put my mouth out o' taste o' bacca, for a whole jawful of tooth-aches: I'll tell you, dame, what I did with them ere crocks, wholes, and parts.

Ask anybody you meet, who is the biggest woman in Cambridge, and I 'll hold you a wager they'll say Mrs. Smith; she broke down two benches in Trinity Gardens, one on the confines of St. John's, which occasioned a litigation between the Societies as to repairing it. She sits in a room with opposite doors and windows, to let in a thorough draught, which gives her slenderer friends tooth-aches.

"Wonderful sure! But what did you do with the honey, Ben? some of the pots wasn't broke," urged notable Mrs. Acton. "Oh, burn the slimy stuff, I warn't going to put my mouth out o' taste o' bacca, for a whole jawful of tooth-aches: I'll tell you, dame, what I did with them ere crocks, wholes, and parts.

No man was ever afflicted with such convenient maladies as Phelim; even his sprains, tooth-aches, and colics seemed to have entered into the Whiteboy system. But, indeed, the very diseases in Ireland are seditious. Many a time has a tooth-ache come in to aid Paddy in obstructing the course of justice; and a colic been guilty of misprision of treason.

Then the martyrdom it is to many! who stoically, day after day, persist in scratching to the quick their irritable chins, and after all to little better end than the diligent earning of tooth-aches, ear-aches, colds, sore throats, and unbecoming blank faces. Like Ireland, we shout for long-denied justice; give us our beards.

And the pounding went on for days and days, hour after hour; and when her fingers, wrists and arms felt like "two long tooth-aches," she exclaimed impatiently: "Oh, for goodness sake stop being so soft! You're a new woman, Ethel Knight, and you're going to earn your living!" At times, however, stopping to rest and carefully scan her labour for faults, her mind would rove far out into life.

Bon jour! good morrow! so you have got your cloak on betimes! but 'tis a cold morning, and you judge the matter rightly 'tis better to be well mounted, than go o' foot and obstructions in the glands are dangerous And how goes it with thy concubine thy wife, and thy little ones o' both sides? and when did you hear from the old gentleman and lady your sister, aunt, uncle, and cousins I hope they have got better of their colds, coughs, claps, tooth-aches, fevers, stranguries, sciaticas, swellings, and sore eyes.

Then the martyrdom it is to many! who stoically, day after day, persist in scratching to the quick their irritable chins, and after all to little better end than the diligent earning of tooth-aches, ear-aches, colds, sore throats, and unbecoming blank faces. Like Ireland, we shout for long-denied justice; give us our beards.

The words of the Bride's father proved to be quite true, for after the capture of the Water-Troll the village enjoyed many years of quietness and contentment. As to Terli, he lived in great unhappiness in the Church Fountain; enduring a terrible series of tooth-aches, but unable to escape from the magic power of the water.