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Updated: August 5, 2024

I don't mean to say that I think he'll want to do us any harm, for he has never shown any sign of such a feelin', but if he takes to bouncin' and thrashin' when he scratches himself on any rocks, it'll be a bad box for us to be in." None of the others shared these special fears of Mrs.

You've seen them thrashin' machines they're usin' round here. The sort, you know, where the horses keep steppin' up a board thing 's if they was climbin' up-hill or goin' up a pair o' stairs, only they don't never get along a mite; they keep right in the same place all the time, steppin' and steppin', but never gittin' on. Well, I knew a horse once, that worked on one o' them things.

"It was his own money, every cent of it, hard-earned money, meant to pay off his debts; and I can say it because I helped him earn it, mowin' and reapin' beside him in the harvest-field, thrashin' beside him in the barn, eatin' at his table, and sleepin' under his roof.

"Ah, sure now, that's a raisonable plan," said Squill with something of sarcasm in his tone; "an' if I might make so bowld I'd suggist that yoursilf, sor, shud give him the thrashin'." "Nay, I am far from being the strongest man of the crew. The one that is best able should do the job."

The tone was not very decided or enthusiastic. "I hope thet ef we do git inter a battle, we'll meet up with Dick an' Tom Dare an' Ben Foster." "So do I. I'd like ter giv' 'em a thrashin' in a battle."

Everything's a bobble; turrible to see them sticks thrashin' 'round and slammin' things." "Didn't want no assistance, did they?" "No, sir; they got the fust line 'round the foremast and come off in less'n a hour; warn't none of 'em hurted." "Is it any better outside?" "No, sir; wuss. I ain't seen nothin' like it 'long the coast for years.

"Ae man thrashin', an' twa birdies pickin'!" she went on, quoting the old nursery nonsense. Then she stooped, and let down her veil. Florimel hated her, and therefore might know her. "It's the day o' the Lord wi' auld Sanny Grame!" she resumed to herself, as she lifted her head. "He's stickit nae mair, but a chosen trumpet at last! Foul fa' 'im for a wearifu' cratur for a' that!

'Troth, an' I may as well let ye have the benefit of yer heels, ye mortal spalpeen, said Andy, reining himself in. 'An' it's the father of a good thrashin' I could give ye for yer impidence. To think o' Miss Linda, that's one of the ould auncient Wynns of Dunore since Adam was a boy!

No, says he, I have two hundred pounds left yet to the good, but my farm, stock and utensils, them young blood horses, and the bran new vessel I was a buildin, are all gone to pot, swept as clean as a thrashin floor, that's a fact; Shark & Co. took all. Well, says I, do you know the reason of all that misfortin?

Like all the others in that wildly enthusiastic gathering, the young heir apparent was turned toward Johnnie as toward a hero. And small wonder. Now the shouting died away, and Johnnie addressed the admiring throng. But his lips moved without even a whisper. "I made up my mind a long time ago," he began, "to give Tom Barber a good thrashin'. So this morning, I done it."

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