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That farmer's man who called on the evening of the wedding he was seen wi' it in his hand as he came up the street; and 'tis thoughted that he put it down while he came in with his message, and then went away forgetting where he had left it."

"She is off to foreign lands again at last hev made up her mind quite sudden-like and it is thoughted she'll leave in a day or two. She's been all as if her mind were low for some days past with a sort of sorrow in her face, as if she reproached her own soul. She's the wrong sort of woman for Hintock hardly knowing a beech from a woak that I own.

You'd soon own 'twasn't ignorance in me, if you knowed what large quantities of noblemen I gets mixed up with every day. In fact 'tis thoughted here and there that I shall do very well in the world. 'Well, let us go down, said Picotee. 'Everything seems so overpowering here. 'O, you'll get broke in soon enough. I felt just the same when I first entered into society.

"I have thoughted and thoughted," said Amy, "and I can only remember that once, a long time ago, the twins said " "What twins?" "Oh, I forgot you didn't know. They are twins, and they are friends of Susie's. They are very reckless on the rocks, and sometimes Susie went too." "But when, Amy?" "I don't know," said Amy, with literal truthfulness. "They didn't tell me; they said I was a baby."

'He has murdered him! Running forward to the door, she hastily asked of the first person she met if the man on the stretcher was dead. 'No, miss, said the labourer addressed, eyeing her up and down as an unexpected apparition. 'He is still alive, they say, but not sensible. He either fell or was pushed over the waterfall; 'tis thoughted he was pushed. Anyhow, that's as I had it.

Petherwin has got such a nose for a fellow's clothes. 'Tis one of the greatest knots in service the smoke question. 'Tis thoughted that we shall make a great stir about it in the mansions of the nobility soon. 'How much more you know of life than I do you only fourteen and me seventeen! 'Yes, that's true. You see, age is nothing 'tis opportunity.

Faith, I don't zee much difference: be you one, or be you t'other, you've got to get your living. 'The De Stancys, of course, have not much influence here now, for that, or any other thing? 'O no, no; not any at all. They be very low upon ground, and always will be now, I suppose. It was thoughted worthy of being recorded in history you've read it, sir, no doubt? 'Not a word.

'Twas on this account that your father rode home in the vlee; not because he'd been drinking, as people supposed." "I'm glad of that. Will it do us any good, mother?" "O yes! 'Tis thoughted that great things may come o't. No doubt a mampus of volk of our own rank will be down here in their carriages as soon as 'tis known.

"I didn't hev nothin' much ter go on, Pete," responded Thornton, mindful of his promise of secrecy to the unfortunate Jerry Black, "but ther way ye flushed up jest now an' twisted 'round when I named hit put ye in a kinderly bad light. Them men air right apt ter mislead young fellers thet hain't none too thoughted an' hit's my business ter look inter affairs like thet.

"What might that ha' been?" "That she used to have a pound o' the best rolled butter a week, regular as clockwork, from Dairyman Viney's for herself, as well as just so much salted for the helping girl, and the 'ooman she calls in; but now the same quantity d'last her three weeks, and then 'tis thoughted she throws it away sour." "Finish doing the emmets, and carry the bag home-along."