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Updated: August 14, 2024

"I could not help it, father," said Jephthah, "the red coats were at their exercise!" "And thou couldst not get away from the gape-seed, eh! Come, sit down, boy, and have at thy supper." "I wish I was one of them," said Jeph as he sat down. "And thou'dst soon wish thyself back again!" returned his father. "How much did you get for the fowls and eggs?" demanded Patience.

Both heaven and hell thou didst awaken with thy oaths, one was an angry listener to what it knew thou'dst break, the other laughed to know thou would'st be perjured, while only I, poor I, was all the while a silent fond believer; your vows stopped all my language, as your kisses did my lips, you swore and kissed, and vowed and clasped my neck Oh charming flatterer! Oh artful, dear beguiler!

How soul and body by desire are, one from other, torn!" Then her eyes brimmed over with tears, and she wrote these verses also: "Love-longing, the day of our parting, my body with mourning smote, And severance from my eyelids hath made sleep far remote. I am so wasted for yearning and worn for sickness and woe, That, were it not for my speaking, thou'dst scarce my presence note."

But, Sir, perhaps you do not guess the Lady. Bel. Or cou'd I, Sir, it cou'd not change my Nature. Lord. But, Sir, suppose it be my Niece Diana. Bel. How, Sir, the fair Diana! Lord. I thought thou'dst come about again; What think you now of Woman-kind, and Wedlock? Bel. As I did before, my Lord. Lord.

"Thou'dst better send Tom over to the Grange, and tell them where the poor things are, or they'll be frightened to death; and let him tell Mrs Inglis well drive them over as we go to market in the morning."

Then they prayed over him and committed him to the earth, graving these words upon his tomb: Created of the dust thou wast and cam'st to life And eloquence didst learn and spokest many a word; Then to the dust again returnedst and wast dead, As 'twere from out the dust, indeed, thou'dst never stirred.

Who is't that thus wou'd rob me of my Honour? Scar. Honour, why I thought thou'dst been dead. Ha. Why, so I was, and the most agreeably dead. Scar. I came to bemoan with thee the mutual loss of our Mistress. Har.

"See thee!" said the old man, speaking broader and broader in his earnestness. "If thy father would send thee, nay, what am I saying? if I took thee for naught and gladly, thou'dst sooner come to the old schoolmaster and his books than stay with pigs, even in a wood? Eh, laddie? Will ye come to school?"

Ay, and a limber spear I have, full keen of point, As 'twere the dam of deaths upon its shaft did ride; And eke a trenchant sword of Ind, which when I draw, Thou'dst deem that levins flashed and darted far and wide,

I'll give him his due for that, evilly as he has treated me. He is a handsomer man than his father was; and when his father and I were married there was not a woman in the provinces that did not say I had carried off the handsomest man that ever strode a horse. I'd like to have had thee see me, too, in that day, child. I was counted as handsome as he, though thou'dst never think it now."

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