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And everything is very quiet, for the omnibuses and taxi-cabs have to go at a walking pace for fear they might run into something. And it is no wonder sometimes that children get cross and tired when they cannot see the sun, which may be shining brightly in the country all day long. Mr.

Course, it's a little odd to see a young gent in torn cutaway coat and tousled hair scramblin' around under taxi-cabs and dodgin' cars to pick up cigar-butts and chewin' gum papers. So quite a crowd collects. Some of 'em cheers and some haw-haws. But the overseas vets. don't allow Hartley to let up for a second. "Hey! Don't miss that cigarette stub!" one would call out to him.

Together we journeyed continually and prodigiously, covering thousands of miles during those weeks, in all sorts of directions, by all sorts of ways, in troop trains and cattle trucks, in motor-cars and taxi-cabs, and on Shanks's nag.

Had a car waiting for him in Oxford Street and when he saw there were no taxi-cabs about, jumped in and was driven eastward." "Did you get the number of the car?" asked McNorton. Beale smiled. "That's not much use," he said, "he's probably got two or three number-plates." He looked at his watch. "I'll go along to Kingston," he said.

He was one of the many drivers who had taken advantage of a long-suffering public during the war-time scarcity of taxi-cabs and he hoped to continue the process during the peace. Incivility had become a confirmed habit with him. "But I can't miss it!" declared Nan. "And this 'ere taxi cawn't catch it." "Do you mean you really can't get her to go?" asked Nan.

It was necessary first to escape the suspicious landlord, and to that end he noiselessly packed his trunk and suit-case. In front of the house, in an unending procession, taxi-cabs returning empty from the Twenty-third Street ferry passed the door, and from the street Jimmie hailed one.

"And you'll not touch another drop to-night?" said Dodge, as they crossed over to the line of taxi-cabs. George halted. "Say, what's on your mind, Simmy? Are you afraid I'll go off my nut and create a scene,—perhaps mop up the sidewalk with some one like Percy Wintermill orwell, any one of those nuts in there? That the idea you've got? Well, let me set you right, my boy.

The vanishing of all the motorbuses, and of the huge lumbering commercial vans, leaves many a forgotten perspective open and reveals many a lost grace of architecture; but the taxi-cabs and private motors are almost as abundant as in peace-time, and the peril of pedestrianism is kept at its normal pitch by the incessant dashing to and fro of those unrivalled engines of destruction, the hospital and War Office motors.

Once he was gone and after watching him safely round the corner she too got into her wraps, and transferring a small packet from her dressing-case to her pocket, hastened out in a different direction. IT took two brimming taxi-cabs to carry the Nicholas Lansings to the station on their second honey-moon.

"Well, he's my uncle, too, and what I say goes, as much as Alicia's commands." "There, there, girls, don't quarrel," said Mrs. Berry, in her amiable way. "Surely you can all be suited. There are two cars, you know, and if you each want to go in a different direction, I'll call taxi-cabs for you." Dolly and Dotty stared at this new lavishness, and Dotty said, quickly, "Oh, no, don't do that!