Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Paula had taken her seat under the fuchsia-trees in such a manner that she could observe all the exits from the salle a manger; but for the present none of the breakfasters emerged, the only moving objects on the scene being the waitresses who ran hither and thither across the court, the cook's assistants with baskets of long bread, and the laundresses with baskets of sun-bleached linen.

There were dozens of cameras snapping and the whole effect was distinctly festive in appearance. The town lies on the edge of the Athi Plains, a broad sweep of sun-bleached grass veldt many miles in extent. From almost any part of the town one may look out on plains where great herds of wild game are constantly in sight.

"Yeh, that's it right there," and they pointed to a large log house less than a hundred yards away. "Do ye know him?" "Yeh, he's my paw," said a sun-bleached freckle-face. "If you bring him here right away, I'll give you a dime. Tell him I'm from Warren's with a cargo." The dusty stampede that followed was like that of a mustang herd, for a dime was a dime in those days.

They therefore, crept like snakes "out of all ordinary way," worming themselves through the grass-clumps till they came to a little river-bed, in which a trickle of water ran slowly across the sun-bleached pebbles. They were minded to reach a grove or wood about a league from Panama. The sun beat upon them fiercely, and it was necessary for them to travel in the heat of the day.

For just a second more Falbe hesitated. Then he held out his hand. "I thank you most awfully," he said. "I accept with the greatest pleasure." Michael drew a long breath of relief. "I am glad," he said. "So that's settled. It's really nice of you." The heat of the day was passing off, and over the sun-bleached plain the coolness of evening was beginning to steal.

A number of Burmese get off here. Up the sandy bank are collected about fifty carts. The bullocks in them are finely bred, and are coloured like fallow deer, and look fat and well-cared for. The carts are sand-coloured and sun-bleached, with great thick wheels, and the contrast of the dainty passengers women and children with neat packages getting into these is very pleasant.

His appearance, indeed as he stood amongst a miscellaneous assortment of sun-bleached and weather-stained foreshore lumber, leaning the ragged elbows of his blue jersey upon the top of an empty petroleum barrel and smoking a dirty clay pipe was so far from inviting, that the young girl felt tempted to relinquish her enterprise and go back by the way she had come.

I can do no more than suggest to the imagination the combined effect of those fantastic rocks rising from the foaming torrent to the drifting, tinted clouds; buttresses and bastions of the ancient earth laid bare in the mysterious night of the inconceivable past, some black and gloomy as the walls of a feudal moat, others yellow like ochre; others, again, sun-bleached almost to whiteness, yet streaked with ruddy veins all flashed here and there with burning oak and maple, or sprinkled with the purple blood of the dogwood's dying leaves.

At this moment he was looking across the square toward the post office. A large, broad-shouldered young man, with hair sun-bleached to a ruddy yellow, had alighted from a buggy and entered the office. He was a fine, bulky, upstanding farmer, built for enduring much hard labor in times of peace and for performing feats of arms in time of war.

For he is connected with another idea, the course of which is as the course of that great river of his native Arcadia which, springing from some arid and sun-bleached rock, gathers strength and beauty as it flows till it reaches the asphodel meadows of Olympia and the light and laughter of Ionian waters.