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This was the kind of man that was to be told that his daughter had suffered at the hands of men whom he had spoken with weekly for months, and who respected him only because they knew him to be no coward, and a convict like themselves. Our walk across the prairie was slow and laborious.

Her deathly pallor had haunted him ever since that look of having suffered a terrible wound. Perhaps she understood already. Then let her understand!

Then, almost without an outward sign, she had made up her mind. And now he was gone. That was all she knew, or remembered, for an hour, as she lay there on the sofa, biting the cushions. It would have been far easier to kill Veronica, than to let him go. It was not her conscience that suffered, but her heart, and it could suffer still.

All the assistance which they might have received from the covering party of sailors on the beach was neutralised; they did not know how much the soldiers had suffered, and although they fired in pursuance of orders, they would not take any aim.

They cannot forgive me my Danish blood, although my mother was one of themselves, and a Christian." "They have suffered much, my lad; and suffering, as is often the case, has blunted their feelings. But you will stay with us, will you not?" "I will stay; many thanks for your kindness." After this I had nothing further to detain me at the castle, so I left for the priory.

Palmerston had declined to serve under him, and he might, with even greater propriety, in his turn have refused to serve under Aberdeen. His own health, which was never strong, had suffered through the long strain of office in years which had been marked by famine and rebellion.

'And yet you would have left us, left your home, left your father and your mother, and gone away with this stranger, wandering over the world. He suffered, too; there were tones of pain in the voice in which he uttered this reproach. Probably the father and daughter were never so far apart in their lives, so unsympathetic. Yet some new terror came over her, and it was to him she turned for help.

The state had already suffered the utmost injury through the delay which the Sulpician revolution had occasioned in the departure of the army for Asia; the embarkation could on no account be longer postponed.

At the same time, the sight of an armed partisan of the Douglasses, in their own native town, seemed to bode too serious consequences, if it should be suffered to pass without being probed to the bottom. "Come hither to me," said the female voice, "and I will name to you the only person who can explain all matters of this kind that chance in this country."

Elizabeth received him to perfection, assuring him of all the pleasure that the news he brought had caused her, and which, she said, had cured her of a complaint from which she had suffered for a fortnight.