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"And now, what shall I do?" was the question that arose in his mind. "Give up my establishment?" At that moment, Sandy, the bar-tender, opened the parlour door, and said with a broad smile "The Sub-Treasury is working wonders again! I'm overrun, and want help." "I can't come down, just now, Sandy. I'm not very well. You will have to get along the best you can," Graves replied.

Then there arose three loud and long cheers, for Graves, and his 'Sub-Treasury, that echoed and re-echoed wildly through that gloomy prison-house. "You're much thought of down there, you see," continued Riley, with a cold grin of irony. "Adams says, that if this temperance movement aint stopped soon, they will have to get you among them, and make you head devil in that department.

A notable example of an excessive consistency was his adhering to the project of a United States Bank, when there was scarcely a possibility of establishing one, and his too steadfast opposition to the harmless expedient of the Sub-treasury. The Sub-treasury system has now been in operation for a quarter of a century.

"Have you tried Graves' new drink yet, Joe?" asked one young man of another, a day or two after the conversation just noted took place. "No. What is it?" "Sub-Treasury." "Sub-Treasury? That must be something new. I wonder what it is?" "I've just been wondering the same thing. Suppose we go down and try it." "I was about swearing off from ever tasting another drop of liquor.

His coat, strapped on behind the saddle, had worked loose, the pocket was open, and the pocket-book was gone. This was serious business. For while the Professor was the cashier, and traveled like a Rothschild, with large drafts, the Friend represented the sub-treasury. That very morning, in response to inquiry as to the sinews of travel, the Friend had displayed, without counting, a roll of bills.

But, I believe I will try a 'Sub-Treasury' with you, just for the fun of the thing." "Well, come along then." And so the two started off for the Harmony House.

The new building City Hall was erected on Broad street, on the ground now covered by the sub-treasury building, and was finished in 1699, but was not used as a jail until five years subsequent. In the winter of 1704 the sheriff was required to have the city jail prepared for the reception of felons.

This meeting recommended the so-called sub-treasury plan by which the Federal Government was to construct warehouses for agricultural products. In these the farmer might deposit his non-perishable agricultural products, and receive 80 per cent of their market value in greenbacks. Surely the Southern farmer had shaken off much of his traditional conservatism in approving such a demand as this!

Then, amid the ringing of bells, the firing of cannon, a great shout went up, "Long live George Washington, President of the United States." It was the streets of New York that first resounded to this glorious cry! Federal Hall was the old City Hall. It stood on the northeast corner of Wall and Nassau streets, on ground now occupied by the United States Sub-Treasury.

What is this, I wonder? he said, laughing; some new trick of the enemy, I suppose. "'Look here, what is this Sub-Treasury stuff, that Graves advertises this morning? he said, to a young fellow, a protege of mine, who was more than a match for him. "'A kind of temperance beverage. I put it into the fellow's head to say. "'Temperance beverage? "'Yes.