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The advertisement which had been inserted in two or three of the morning papers, in the following words, had answered fully the rum-sellers' expectations. "Drop in at the HARMONY HOUSE, and try a 'Sub-Treasury. 'What is a Sub-Treasury? you ask. Come and see for yourself, and taste for yourself.

Our friend Graves advertised his 'Sub-Treasury' on that morning. I calculated largely on the novelty of the idea to win him off. But, somehow or other, he did not see it. Another young man, one of his companions, did, however: "'Have you tried Graves' new drink, yet? he asked of him about eleven o'clock, while he was under the influence of a pretty strong thirst.

But sharper than all these impressions rang the words of the worldly-wise Higbee: "She's hunting night and day for a rich husband; she tries for them as fast as they come; she'd rather marry a sub-treasury she'd marry me in a minute she'd marry YOU; but if you were broke she'd have about as much use for you...." Her glance was frank, friendly, and encouraging.

The last-mentioned conflagration was put out by the editors and compositors of that journal the entire Herald staff being then in the underground press-rooms, busily preparing and working off extras giving the latest details of the bombardment. The Morse Building was completely demolished by two Krupp shells, and not an edifice in Wall Street, except the sub-Treasury, had escaped total ruin.

The only matter of political importance which, as a boy eight years old, I seized upon, and which dwells in my memory, was the creation of the ``Sub-Treasury. That this was a wise measure seems now proven by the fact that through all the vicissitudes of politics, from that day to this, it has remained and rendered admirable service.

"The junta had been notified a few days ago, they say, that a large sum five hundred thousand silver dollars had been captured from the government and was on its way to New York to be melted up as bullion at the sub-treasury," she answered, repeating what she had heard over the telephone as if in a dream. "Mr. Jameson referred to the rumour when he came in.

A man does a thriving business at the foot of one of the large marble columns of the Sub-Treasury on Wall street. He keeps fresh home-made sponge cakes, which sell for five or ten cents each. One of these is enough for a man's lunch. The dog and bear men lurk in the vicinity of the Astor House.

"Why so?" "We're out of sugar and lemons both. That Sub-Treasury runs on them 'ere articles strong." "Confound the Sub-Treasury!" Mr. Graves ejaculated, with a strong and bitter emphasis. Sandy stood again mute with astonishment, staring into the tavern-keeper's face. "Sandy," Mr. Graves at length said in a calm, resolute tone, "my mind is made up to quit selling liquor."

The committee proposed "that the system of using certain banks as United States depositories be abolished, and in place of said system, establish in every county in each of the States that offers for sale during the one year $500,000 worth of farm products including wheat, corn, oats, barley, rye, rice, tobacco, cotton, wool, and sugar, all together a sub-treasury office."

They had the privilege of issuing a few hundred millions of bank-notes, and they charged interest for these and paid the Government nothing. And then, to cap the climax, they used their profits to buy up the Government! They filled the Treasury Department with their people, and when they got into trouble, the Sub-Treasury was emptied into their vaults.