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'I wonder if it would not be advisable, Starkey, to humour the hook? 'I'll swing before I go in there, replied Starkey doggedly, and again he had the support of the crew. 'Is it mutiny? asked Hook more pleasantly than ever. 'Starkey's ringleader. 'Captain, mercy, Starkey whimpered, all of a tremble now. 'Shake hands, Starkey, said Hook, proffering his claw.

"Why, yes," he said suspiciously. "I s'pose she's there. Fact, I know she is. Pat Starkey's doin' the telegraphin' while she's away. What made you ask that?" The blacksmith chuckled. "Oh, nothin'," he said. "How's her dad's dyspepsy? Had any more of them sudden attacks of his? I cal'late they'll take the old man off some of these days, won't they?

Didn't you see them together late at night up near her own home?" asked Elmendorf, excitedly. "Well, you took me up and showed 'em to me." "Didn't you tell me you knew she often went to his rooms?" "Well, you asked me if I hadn't seen her, and I said no, and then you asked if I didn't think it was more'n likely, and " Here Starkey's friend faltered. "That will do," said the judge-advocate.

Wigmore had a slight west-country accent, but otherwise his language differed little from that of the normally educated; in every word he revealed a good and kindly, if simple, nature. At length a slight embarrassment interfered with the flow of his talk, which, having been solely of tuitional matters, began to take a turn more personal. Was he taking too much of Mr. Starkey's time?

He told how the idea had first come to him, how he had brooded upon it, how he had worked at elementary lesson-books, very secretly then how the sight of Starkey's advertisement had inspired him with hope. 'Just to get to be a curate that's all. I should never be worthy of being a vicar or a rector. I don't look so high as that, Mr. Starkey.

Patrick Starkey's father had been a follower of James the Second; and, during the disastrous Irish campaign of that monarch, he had fallen in love with an Irish beauty, a Miss Byrne, as zealous for her religion and for the Stuarts as himself. He had returned to Ireland after his escape to France, and married her, bearing her back to the court at St. Germains.

Send Starkey's friend in here," he said to the messenger; and presently in came a hangdog, corner-loafer specimen of the shabby-genteel young man, supremely impudent on his native heath, but wofully ill at ease now. "This is your reputable witness, Mr. Elmendorf." "I protest against indignity to my witnesses or browbeating of any kind. This is not a court, and he's not on oath." "Certainly not.

"Starkey's ringleader!" "Captain, mercy!" Starkey whimpered, all of a tremble now. "Shake hands, Starkey," said Hook, proffering his claw. Starkey looked round for help, but all deserted him. As he backed up Hook advanced, and now the red spark was in his eye. With a despairing scream the pirate leapt upon Long Tom and precipitated himself into the sea. "Four," said Slightly.

'Better do what the captain orders, said Starkey nervously. 'Ay, ay, Smee said, and he cut Tiger Lily's cords. At once like an eel she slid between Starkey's legs into the water. Of course Wendy was very elated over Peter's cleverness; but she knew that he would be elated also and very likely crow and thus betray himself, so at once her hand went out to cover his mouth.

Six months ago, when his choice seemed to be between staying in the streets and turning sandwich-man, luck had made him acquainted with Mr. Rudolph Starkey, who wrote himself M.A. of Dublin University and advertised a system of tuition by correspondence. In return for mere board and lodging Topham became Mr. Starkey's assistant; that is to say, he did by far the greater part of Mr. Starkey's work.