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Updated: August 9, 2024

'I should like to kick that man, said Bobbie, indignantly. Dick smiled. 'My dear chap, Alec is a hardy Scot and bigger than you; I really shouldn't advise you to try. 'Of course you've heard all about this business? said Canon Spratte. 'I've only just arrived from Paris. I knew nothing of it till Lady Kelsey told me. 'What do you think?

The Canon's breezy courtliness as a rule soothed Lady Kelsey's gravest troubles, but now she would not be comforted. 'I shall never get over it, she said, with a handkerchief to her eyes. 'I shall never cease blaming myself. Nothing of all this would have happened, if it hadn't been for me. Canon Spratte and Mrs. Crowley watched her without answering.

No gathering could be tedious when Canon Spratte was present, and the conversation proceeded merrily. Mrs. Crowley looked ravishing in a summer frock, and since she addressed herself exclusively to the handsome parson it was no wonder that he was in a good humour. She laughed appreciatively at his facile jests and gave him provoking glances of her bright eyes.

Presently Canon Spratte went into the smoking-room. He had on his arm, as was his amiable habit, the prettiest girl at the dance, Grace Vizard, a niece of that Lady Vizard who was a pattern of all the proprieties and a devout member of the Church of Rome. He found that Mrs. Crowley and Robert Boulger were already sitting there, and he greeted them courteously.

For centuries foolish men have set us up on a pedestal and vowed they were unworthy to touch the hem of our garments. And it is so dull. 'What a clever woman you are, Mrs. Crowley. You always say what you don't mean. 'You're really very rude. 'Now that impropriety is out of fashion, rudeness is the only short cut to a reputation for wit. Canon Spratte did not like Dick.

'He can think what he likes. Canon Spratte felt that it was needful now to put in the decisive word which he always expected from himself. He rubbed his hands blandly. 'In this matter I must say I agree entirely with our friend Bobbie. I read the letter with the utmost care, and I could see no loophole of escape. Until Mr.

'Our ways have parted for some time now, said Canon Spratte, 'but at one period I used to see a good deal of Fred Allerton. I can't tell you how distressed I was to hear of this terrible misfortune. 'He's always been unlucky, returned Lady Kelsey. 'I only hope this will be a lesson to him. He's like a child in business matters.

She was delighted to see that her nephew and her niece were apparently once more on friendly terms; but she had no time to find out what had happened, for Canon Spratte was immediately announced. Lady Kelsey had heard that he was to be offered a vacant bishopric, and she mourned over his disappearance from London.

'I'm grateful, too, she murmured, as she bade him farewell. 'A clergyman always helps one so much to bear other people's misfortunes. Canon Spratte smiled and made a mental note of the remark, which he thought would do very well from his own lips. 'Where is Lucy? asked Mrs. Crowley, when he had gone.

Canon Spratte looked at his watch and gave her a reassuring smile. 'I think you may feel quite safe. It's really growing very late. 'You say that Lucy doesn't know anything about this? asked Dick. 'No, said Lady Kelsey. 'I wanted to give her this evening's enjoyment unalloyed. Dick shrugged his shoulders again.

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