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Cressler who, though he never speculated, appeared regularly upon the Board every morning making his way towards one of the windows in the front of the building. His pocket was full of wheat, taken from a bag on one of the sample tables.

Men of the passing brigades asked them questions. They replied briefly and smoked with entire unconcern as to their prisoner, or speculated in regard to what the Rebs would say or do to him. The mosquitoes tormented him, and once he shuddered when one of the guards guessed that perhaps the girl would come back and see him tied up.

Like him, he disbelieved in the existence of anything immaterial, for even a human soul is formed out of matter. He, too, speculated on the origin of the universe, but thought that air, not water, was the primal cause. This element seems to be universal. We breathe it; all things are sustained by it. It is Life, that is, pregnant with vital energy, and capable of infinite transmutations.

But Parsons would not hear of anything against Morrison. "He was all right, O' Man according to his lights," said Parsons. "It isn't him I complain of." He speculated on the morrow. "I shall 'ave to pay a fine," he said. "No good trying to get out of it. It's true I hit him. I hit him" he paused and seemed to be seeking an exquisite accuracy.

"There is a larger stage, Nino mio, than yours." "I know it," said he, and fell back in his chair again, dreaming. I fancy that at any other time we might have fallen into conversation and speculated on the good old-fashioned simile which likens life to a comedy, or a tragedy, or a farce. But the moment was ill-chosen, and we were both silent, being much preoccupied with the immediate future.

He wears pongee coats and red ties, and has his hair long, and well, you never saw women act so about anything or anybody!" "Royal Blondin!" Linda exclaimed, aghast. "Perhaps their making fools of themselves will make it not worth his while to bother you," she speculated, hopefully. "He's having dinner with the Carters to-night," Harriet said.

One after another the Harvester introduced the Girl to the best trees, speculated on their age, previous history, and pointed out which brought large prices for lumber and which had medicinal bark and roots. On and on they slowly drove through the woods, past the big beds of cranesbill, violets, and lilies.

The fear of poverty, especially by those who have known something of the value of money, the desire for the power that money brings, the envy of others, the opportunities that seem easy, all these feelings are too strong for many fairly good "machines," and bring disaster when plans go wrong. Only a small portion of those who have speculated with trust funds are ever prosecuted.

In the study of human nature, Fourier believed he discovered inherently inconstant natures, exceptional men and women, who cannot be constant to one idea, one hope or one love; and believing that this inconstancy was a normal trait of character with some persons, who are the exceptions to the general rule, simply and honestly acknowledged the fact, and speculated on the result and the position such persons would have in the future ideal societies.

He speculated in an American tour; married out there; lost all his money; and came over to England, when I was only twelve, to resume his business at Covent Garden. I stayed in America, and was apprenticed to an electrical engineer. I worked at the bench there for six years." "I suppose your father taught you to sing." "No. He never gave me a lesson.