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Updated: August 3, 2024

"Chust you wait, Tom Rofer," answered the German cadet, and shook his fist at his tormentor. "I git square somedimes, or mine name ain't " "Sauerkraut!" finished another cadet, and a roar went up. "Hans, is it true that you eat sauerkraut three times a day when you are at home?" "No, I ton't eat him more as dree dimes a veek," answered Hans, innocently.

Dis I saw pefore I know him three months, und Bertran he haf saw the same; and Bimi, der orang-outang, haf understood us both, mit his cigar between his big dog-teeth und der blue gum. 'I was dere a year, dere und at dere oder islands somedimes for monkeys und somedimes for butterflies und orchits.

I haf a vay off saying Gott pless beoples ven I feels goot dowards 'em, put I means 'em no harm. Vat you American beoples somedimes say dank my schtars? Dat will do shust so vell for me. It vas dis vay: der schild vas seek; you und your moder gome, und you make gauses und dere are der evvects. I perlieve in gause und evvect, und you vas a very goot gause."

"But he somedimes takes his instrument inside there, und I just get the notion that it was so. Yes?" "When did he come out?" The man shook his head. "I don'd know," he said. "Do you mean that you saw no one come out?" "No; I did see someone come out. But first I see me someone else go in." "Ah! And who was that?" "I don't know his name; but I had seen him often before.

What do you know about it?" "Somedimes," said the retainer, "dey keep it in der little room behind der library room." "Can you find it?" asked the m. e. eagerly. "Do you know where it is?" "Mein Gott!" said Heffelbauer. "How long you dink a code live? Der reborters call him a maskeet. But von day he butt mit his head der editor, und " "Oh, he's talking about a goat," said Boyd.

"Deerfoot ish not such a pig fool as he don't look to be, somedimes I dinks he knows more nodins dan nopody; den van he h'ists sail in his canoe and sails off mitout saying nodings to nopody, den I don't dinks." Otto Relstaub had reached that point in his remark, when the bow of the canoe arrived in Louisiana. It struck the shore with a violence that started the seams through the entire structure.

But tell me, Mr. Berg, how late do you keep your place open?" "In the summertime seven o'clock. But after dose theaters open, I stays me on the chob till twelve, or later somedimes. There is one two three what you call burlesque places, right by me; and no sooner do they close up, than right away those actor peoples come to buy. I do a goot business, so I keep open."

If I had stayed in my fader's house, I vould haf been det for goot, and perried too! Somedimes dose dings cooms oudt apout right, don't id?" Unvanquished philosopher!

"We want to know," he said sharply, "if you have seen the Army of the Potomac or heard anything of it." A look of deep sadness passed over the face of Jacob Onderdonk. "I haf one great veakness," he said, "one dot makes my life most bitter. I haf de poorest memory in de vorld. Somedimes I forget de face of mein own Vilhelmina.

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