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And now, as they rode through sunlight and shadow, Beltane felt his black mood slowly lifted from him and knew a sense of rest, a content unfelt this many a day; he looked, glad-eyed, upon the beauty of the world about him, from green earth to an azure heaven peeping through a fretted screen of branches; he marked the graceful, slender bracken stirring to the soft-breathing air, the mighty boles of stately trees that reached out sinuous boughs one to another, to touch and twine together amid a mystery of murmuring leaves.

She looked at him, with her clear, unreasoning eyes, just like the eyes of some non-human creature. 'I'll ask mother, she said. Her voice was soft-breathing, gently singsong. When she came in again: 'Yes, she said, almost whispering. 'What will you have? 'What have you got? he said, looking up into her face. 'There's cold meat 'That's for me, then.

This new sense of leisure and unchecked enjoyment amidst the soft-breathing airs and garden-scents of advancing spring amidst the new abundance of music, and lingering strolls in the sunshine, and the delicious dreaminess of gliding on the river could hardly be without some intoxicating effect on her, after her years of privation; and even in the first week Maggie began to be less haunted by her sad memories and anticipations.

To Bob of the Angels tow could Abraham's bosom feel strange, accustomed to lie night after night, star-melted and soft-breathing, or snow-ghastly and howling, with his head on the bosom of Hector of the Stags-an Abraham who could as ill do without his Isaac, as his Isaac without him! The father trusted his son's hearing as implicitly as his own sight.

"Can I go?" she said, turning to look at him, smiling confidently as one who knows the formal demand unnecessary. "If you want," he answered. "Then we'll start to-morrow," she said, and, leaning down, kissed him. He was unresponsive to the touch of her lips, lay inert as she nestled down into soft-breathing, child-like sleep.

Everything was quiet, not the solemnity of midnight silence, in which there is always something of mystery, but the soft-breathing quiet of the evening, full of the faint habitual sounds of a human dwelling, a consciousness of life about. And I was very busy with my figures, interested, feeling no room in my mind for any other thought.

Binders and harvesters were abroad in the wheat and oats, gathering the soft-breathing billows of grain into wide, subduing arms. When the train slowed down for a trestle in a wheat field, harvesters in blue shirts and overalls and wide straw hats stopped working to wave at the passengers. Claude turned to the old man in the opposite seat.

And always I knew it: some faintest secret whisper which whispered me: "You are the Arch-one, the motif of the world, Adam, and the rest of men not much." And they are gone all! all! as no doubt they deserved: and I, as was meet, remain. And there are wines, and opiums, and haschish; and there are oils, and spices, fruits and bivalves, and soft-breathing Cyclades, and scarlet luxurious Orients.

Middleton set in for irregular leaps. His offended temper broke away from the image of Clara, revealing her as he had seen her in the morning beside Horace De Craye, distressingly sweet; sweet with the breezy radiance of an English soft-breathing day; sweet with sharpness of young sap.

Delay was inevitable, and while the meal was in preparation they wandered into the open and visited the farm at the rear of the restaurant, conjuring the farm-like traditions of the place after the accepted custom entering the sweet-smelling, shadowy cow-shed, stroking the sleek, soft-breathing cows, amusing themselves over the antics of the monkey chained beside the door.