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Keepum, too, has a very high opinion of this excellent society, as he calls it, and never fails to boast of his contributions. It is night. The serene and bright sky is hung with brighter stars. Our little fashionable world has got itself arrayed in its best satin and is in a flutter. Carriages, with servants in snobby coats, beset the doors of the theatre.

Then, more dreamily still, "His middle name was Birchard." "I know why you think he's conceited," Mary went on, warming up to the never-ending pleasure of analysis, "but it's because he's really diffident. Lots of people I know who people think are snobby are only just diffident." "What on earth do you mean by saying that Rutherford Hayes was diffident? He wasn't a bit.

She had wanted him at home, but it was very nice to know that his tutor was so fond of him. He went out with a wink at Imogen, saying: "I say, Mother, could I have two plover's eggs when I come in? cook's got some. They top up so jolly well. Oh! and look here have you any money? I had to borrow a fiver from old Snobby."

Sarah Cooper is at the Branch with her snobby little husband and her extravagant toilettes; I'm not going to be patronized by her. And Jack and his learned lady are at Saratoga. I don't want to make Mrs. Warner jealous, but I'm afraid I couldn't help it. I think you had better keep me out of temptation." "Where must we go, then?" "Well, I suppose we might as well go to the Peak.

'Pull up, Snobby, cried Mr Chuckster, addressing himself to Kit. 'You're wanted inside here. 'Has Mr Abel forgotten anything, I wonder? said Kit as he dismounted. 'Ask no questions, Snobby, returned Mr Chuckster, 'but go and see. Woa-a-a then, will you? If that pony was mine, I'd break him. 'You must be very gentle with him, if you please, said Kit, 'or you'll find him troublesome.

Assist your mother in drawing up a list of the persons who are heirs, should the girl die without a will. Let 'the party' wash his hands as often as he pleases cleanliness is next to godliness. As the heir to a baronetcy you would be worth ten times more than heir to an Esquireship in snobby England. Write to me whenever you think that I can be of any service and let me be

Laurie's dropping in been an ordinary occurrence no one could have treated it with less ceremony than did Ted. An echo of the gratitude the capitalist felt lingered in his voice when he said good night. It was both gentle and husky with emotion and the lad fell asleep marvelling that the men employed at the mills should assert that the Fernalds were frigid and snobby.

"Nothing of the sort. She's simply not the sort of person you do call on; and I don't mean you to begin." "Why not?" "Because you're my wife and you have a certain position in the county. That's why." "Rather a snobby reason, isn't it? You said I might call on anybody I liked." "So you may, in reason, provided you don't begin with Mrs. Levitt." "I may have to end with her," said Fanny. Mr.

By it alone, she felt, could she undo a little of the evil that she had permitted to come into the world. To her imagination Monteriano had become a magic city of vice, beneath whose towers no person could grow up happy or pure. Sawston, with its semi-detached houses and snobby schools, its book teas and bazaars, was certainly petty and dull; at times she found it even contemptible.

'There is no longer any need for that precaution, as my father's relationship to a gentleman in whom the objects of his search have full confidence, will be a sufficient guarantee for the friendly nature of their errand. 'Ah! thought Mr Chuckster, looking out of window, 'anybody but me! Snobby before me, of course.