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Woe to them who know nothing more of love, woe to them who bear a cold heart in their bosom. This you sang, Sitta Nefysseh, and I stood listening, entranced. What I then felt was so all-absorbing, so divinely beautiful, that I was unwilling to have the harmony of that sweet moment broken in upon by the voice of man.

"Speak on, Sitta Nefysseh, oh, speak on! What I hear is music! Let me hear this music and be happy! Oh, speak on, Nefysseh!" "What shall I say, Youssouf? The whole meaning of my words is still, I love you, and have long loved you! When Mourad, my husband, died, I vowed over his dead body that I would remain true to him beyond the grave. Do you know why I wished to raise this barrier between us?

Really it seemed that Sitta Khadra was right: his agathodaemon watched over him, for, sooner than usual, the tempest calmed down, and the sun broke forth from behind the clouds. It was now a comparatively easy matter for Mohammed to get back to the opposite shore where Omar was awaiting him with several of his comrades. The fisherman's face was angry and lowering.

He enveloped himself in his mantle, and hurried back to his palace, in which all was now still. The soldiers had gone out to spend the present given them by their general in joy and revelry. Mohammed was again alone in his chamber. e walked to and fro, reflecting on all he had done, with silent self-applause : "It would have been unfortunate had he found Sitta Nefysseh's treasure.

"The only proof of your gratitude that I ask is, that you stand united. Thank me by pronouncing my name when you stand side by side on the battle-field, from which you have driven the enemy!" "We will do so. Your name will I pronounce when I go out to battle! And your name will my lips utter, O Sitta Nefysseh, when I sink down upon the bloody field!"

Oh, stay with me, do not leave me!" In response to her call, he opens his eyes and gives her a tender look. "Yes, Sitta Nefysseh, I shall remain with you throughout all time, throughout eternity, for love is eternal."

The enemy has grown stronger. You know that new troops have arrived here from Turkey, and a man is at their head, of whom I will announce to you that he is dangerous. Therefore grasp hands, and let me see that you are friends!" "Then let it be so," said Bardissi, after a pause. "See, Sitta Nefysseh, how great your power over me. Here, L'Elfi, my hand! Let us unitedly face the enemy!"

If we could do so by lawful means, it would be well. Tell me of some such means, Mohammed Ali." "I know of no such means, highness," said Mohammed, shrugging his shoulders. "I only know that Sitta Nefysseh, as it is said, has a secret understanding with the beys, the comrades of her deceased husband.

They can only die, and die they must. The flower of the hero-beys was gathered together in these boats, and is now being stamped under foot is perishing, the victim of infamous treachery. Sitta Nefysseh looks on in horror from where she lies on the shore of Aboukir.

I then bore my friend from the conflict to his tent, and there you were, Sitta Nefysseh. You received the hero from my arms, and for the first time I saw your unveiled countenance. I then returned to the battle, and took Mourad's place at the head of his Mamelukes.