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Updated: August 8, 2024

The slaves are singing of love and bliss; the waters murmuring of love and bliss, and, in the heart of the beautiful Sitta Nefysseh, there are also singing, sighing, and murmuring of love and bliss! People say that Sitta Nefysseh is proud and has a cold heart. Love has never dared to approach her since the death of her husband, Mourad Bey.

Thus must he return; thus must Sitta Nefysseh see him appear on her threshold, and then And now," she quickly interrupted herself, "have you heard your mistress's command? You will not seek death? You swear to me that you will fight like a true soldier for fatherland and glory, and that you will not seek death? The brave do not fear death, neither do they seek it.

To-morrow, a festival takes place in Alexandria; Lord Balan, the English general, is to receive his troops there, and the capitan pacha, who is encamped here with his warriors, has invited us to participate in the festivities at Alexandria." "Beware, oh beware, Osman!" cried Sitta Nefysseh, extending her arms toward heaven.

Offered me a few Cola nuts, which I desired our guide to take and eat; he likewise told me that I should have a guide to Baniserile. June 4th. Early in the morning departed, and having passed the village Eercella, remarkable for a grove of large Sitta trees, about one o'clock arrived at Baniserile, and halted under a tree near the wells.

By Allah, I conjure you, and by your love for my husband, be on your guard; leave the peninsula, and return to Cairo!" "If it were possible, Sitta, I would do it out of reverence for you. But on the morrow, I promise you, I will return to the continent.

I went out to battle and did not seek death, because you had forbidden me to do so, but fought like a lion, and earned a name. Now that I have returned, you refuse to give me the one reward I desire. While the bullets whistled about me, amid the din of battle, I thought only of Sitta Nefysseh, who would bid me welcome when I returned home, and restore to me my place in her house.

"Are you ill, mother; are you ill?" cried the boy, anxiously and tenderly. He rushed to her, clasped her in his arms, and fixed his brown eyes on hers with an earnest, anxious look. "Tell me I conjure you in the name of the prophet tell me, are you ill, Sitta Khadra?" She forced herself to regard him with a smile. "No, light of my eyes! beloved of my soul!

"Be kind enough to wait here a moment," said the cadi. He walked into the neat apartment. Sitta Nefysseh, who had again covered her face with her veil, stood proudly erect in the midst of the saloon. The two weeping women stepped nearer to their mistress, and asked if danger threatened her, and begged to be permitted to accompany her everywhere. "Be still!" said Sitta, in low tones.

As I understand it, you only promised the wives of the Mamelukes permission to remain here, and protection under the condition that they were to abstain from all intercourse with the Mameluke beys. Yet it is known that Osman Bardissi and L'Elfi Bey, the two Mameluke chieftains, were not long since in Cairo, and that they paid the Sitta a visit. They both love her.

No one in the house knew of this vault; Sitta Nefysseh had confided it to the kachef Youssouf only, and they two had conveyed all her valuables to this hiding place. When all was completed, and the Sitta had retired to her apartments, Youssouf announced himself, and, upon being admitted, stepped humbly forward, fell on his knees, and handed her the keys. She looked at him in surprise.

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