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We chose the front room because of a gate-legged table that Alicia wanted to say her prayers beside, and because of the particularly fine portrait of a colonial gentleman above the mantel, a very handsome man in claret-colored satin, with a vest of flowered gold brocade, a gold-hilted sword upon which his fine fingers rested, and a pair of silk-stockinged legs of which he seemed complacently aware.

The blousard loves to see depicted on the stage a degree of misery more terrible than that which is his daily lot. For the dramas which depict high life unless it be the high life of the old days of beruffled and silk-stockinged cavaliers he cares very little.

She comes with shades of days long fled Knee-breeched; long silk-stockingèd; Well-braided queues; bright-buckled shoon That flash with diamonds; gold galloon On rebel uniforms of blue A color that this land found true; Three-cornered hats, and plumes that flew Through conflicts where men dare and do. A patriot throng, a gallant host, Our Dame Centennial's train can boast.

You understand " she knit her fingers, dropped them into her lap and turned her eyes toward Aurora, who responded with the same motions, adding the crossing of her silk-stockinged ankles before the fire. "No," said Aurora, with a scintillation of irrepressible mischief in her eyes.

And to hearken to Throckmorton was to be surprised as if she listened at a comedy. 'One question of three may be answered, she said. 'On the forfeit of a kiss, he added. 'I pray God ye answer none. He pondered for a moment, and leaning back against the chimney-piece crossed one silk-stockinged, thin, red leg. He spoke very swiftly, so that his words were like lightning.

Hazel kicked off her slippers, and gratefully toasted her silk-stockinged feet at a small coal grate. Fall had come, and there was a sharp nip to the air. "Well, what do you think of it as far as you've gone?" he asked abruptly. "Of what?" she asked, jarred out of meditation upon the play they had just witnessed. "All this." He waved a hand comprehensively. "This giddy swim we've got into."

So, while the rest of the world were booted or heavy shod, his silk-stockinged feet were thrust into pumps of early Oxford cut, and the predominant garment was the surtout, blue in colour, and of the original make before it came to be called a frock. One of the mysteries about him was, that his clothes, though unlike any other person's, were always old.

Thomas Crofton's deepest chest tones. "Hear, hear!" Dr. Jefferson Craig's shout drowned out Mrs. Crofton's groan. "O Ches I'll come and keep house for you part of the year, anyhow!" This was dainty Rosalie, her silk-stockinged ankles swinging wildly, as she sat upon the porch rail.

Her closely cut brown hair was filled with sand, and a piece of brass wire was wound around the head and neck. A loose cashmere house-gown was partially torn from her form, and one slipper, a little bead embroidered affair, covered a silk-stockinged foot. Each arm was tightly clasped around the baby.

The early New England newspapers abound in advertisements of runaway blacks in gay attire, with fiddles and guns, bewigged and silk-stockinged, well dressed if not well treated. I know no records that show more fully, though wholly unconsciously, the vast simplicity of our ancestors than these advertisements of runaway servants.