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Updated: August 20, 2024

Yer grandma towld me not to shtay wid yez." "But I'm so lonesome," said Marjorie, who had just seemed to realize what the main trouble was. But Jane dared not disobey orders, and setting the tray on the stairs, she went away, with fond backward glances at the forlorn little figure sitting there.

"An' as soon as iver ye come to New York, an' shtay long enough to become an American, I'll get ye a place on the polls."

'Mother! I heard him say, 'Mother! an' that's all I heard him say and the mother waitin' away aff there by the Liffey soide. Aw, wurra, wurra, the b'ys go down to battle and the mothers wait at home! Some of the b'ys come back, but the most of thim shtay where the battle laves 'em. Wurra, wurra, many's the b'y wint down that day by Alma River, an' niver come back!

Evans begins his talkin' I becomes all confused an' says I to meself, Taith, I'd better lave at once, an' shtay away until he is done, because, your honor, to tell the truth, I didn't like the way the argument was going." The local pawnbroker's shop was on fire, and among the crowd of spectators was an old woman who attracted much attention by her sobs and cries of despair.

"Watch the hand," said Mulvaney; "av she shuts her hand tight, thumb down over the knuckle, take up your hat an' go. You'll only make a fool av yoursilf av you shtay. But av the hand lies opin on the lap, or av you see her thryin' to shut ut, an' she can't, go on! She's not past reasonin' wid." 'Well, as I was sayin', I fell back, saluted, an' was goin' away. "Shtay wid me," she sez. "Look!

This gyard'll shtay lively till relieved. He himself was stripped to the waist; Learoyd on the next bedstead was dripping from the skinful of water which Ortheris, clad only in white trousers, had just sluiced over his shoulders; and a fourth private was muttering uneasily as he dozed open-mouthed in the glare of the great guard-lantern. The heat under the bricked archway was terrifying.

"The utmost I should think of doing for him would be, perhaps, a little quinine, nothing mo' shurely he is really and toory a very shoun' shtay of health." Lady Walsingham looked encouragingly at her sister and nodded.

Ah, but as I was sayin', it wud melt the harrt av a Kerry steer, that's first cousin to the goats on the hills fer wildness, to see the way he tuk thim an' held thim, an' wailed over thim, the tinder harrt av him! Fer only wan small hour or two could he shtay wid thim, an' then aff to that haythen counthry agin that gave him birth. An' the way he suffered fer that same, poor dear!

"Oh, no, you won't," Lilian Rosenberg cried, disengaging herself from his grasp, and rising. "Don't you dare touch me. I'm going." Curtis watched her with a helpless grin. Then he suddenly cried out, "Come back! Come back, I shay!" "Well, will you do as I want?" Lilian Rosenberg said. "I'll do anything anything to please you if only you shtay with me."

Dillon whin he was leavin' for London, 'Come over, sez he, 'an' shtay at me palace as long as I'm in it. She's goin' there whin she laves here, but I don't see why she shtays in this miserable place, whin she cud be among her aquils, runnin' in an out to visit the Queen like wan o' thimselves."

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