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'Mother! I heard him say, 'Mother! an' that's all I heard him say and the mother waitin' away aff there by the Liffey soide. Aw, wurra, wurra, the b'ys go down to battle and the mothers wait at home! Some of the b'ys come back, but the most of thim shtay where the battle laves 'em. Wurra, wurra, many's the b'y wint down that day by Alma River, an' niver come back!

Der hole dot you hef made in der grount, among your frients and your family, vos covered up alretty. You are loocky if you vill not fint some vellars shtanding upon id! My frent, ven you vos DINK det, SHTAY det, BE det, and you vill lif happy!" "But your sweetheart?" I said eagerly. A slight gleam of satire stole into Rutli's light eyes.

"Him that c'd lay down th' naygers in windrows all day, an' dhrink, an' play car-rds, an' make love all noight an' at 'em agin in th' marnin'! An' now Oi've found um Oi'll shtay by um till wan av us burries th' other. For whilst a McKim roams th' earth James Dunnigan's place is to folly um. "An', Lord be praised, he's a foightin' man but a McKim that don't dhrink! Wurrah!

In a mighty few short minuts we shall know" his jaw dropped "fwhat we shall know! . . . Arrah thin, Docthor!" he silenced a violent protest from that adventurous gentleman, who made as though to accompany them "if ye wud help us in best fashion shtay right here, an' mark fwhat comes off. If we shud happen tu get ut in th' neck . . . just yu' beat ut back tu Lanky! Ye know fwhat tu du thin.