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It was this a-way: Crawfish Jim was a sheep-man, an' has a camp out in the foothills of the Tres Hermanas, mebby it's thirty miles back from Wolfville. This yere Crawfish Jim was a pecooliar person; plumb locoed, like all sheep-men. They has to be crazy or they wouldn't pester 'round in no sech disrepootable pursoots as sheep. You-all has seen these yere gents as makes pets of snakes.

That's what makes farmers hate sheep-men so. Folks down 'n the valley round up the hogs every June to pick fox-tail out of their eyes. If they didn't, half the hogs'd go blind." "Round up?" questioned Sid. "Drive 'em together," explained Dave. "You'll see a round-up of my cattle 'fore long. Got to go out and hunt the hills for 'em, and drive 'em away down to the railroad.

"Well, you got me. Thought I knowed somethin' about your style, but I don't even know your name." "Let's move on. You go ahead and get the cayuse. I want to talk to Sundown." Then Corliss explained his plan. He told Sundown to keep the water-hole fenced and so keep the sheep-men from using it. This would virtually control several thousand acres of range around the water-hole ranch.

Wood, Fourth U. S. Cavalry, in driving out the sheep-men with their devastating flocks of "hoofed locusts," and protecting the Sierra forests from fire. During the first two or three years of the Park's legal existence the hunting of deer was prohibited, but bear-hunting was permitted, and Captain Wood, Lieut. Davis and I devoted considerable time to the sport in the autumn of 1891.

And afterward, perhaps, we look back and wonder how it all came about. At the last moment Weary turned back and exchanged guns with Andy Green, because his own was empty and he realized the possible need of one or at least the need of having the sheep-men perfectly aware that he had one ready for use.

The cattle-men felt that they had given him fair warning in naming the Concho as the line of demarcation. He, in turn, considered that his right to graze his sheep on any part or all of the free range had not been circumscribed. His neighbor if cattle-men and sheep-men may under any circumstances be termed neighbors was John Corliss.

When the sheep-men and the cattle-men came with their foreign mouths to fill, the wild natives had to scatter and forage for food, and trot back and forth to the river for drink. They have to travel miles now to one they went before. Hence all these desert thoroughfares." And he showed us in the dust the track of a lizard, a kangaroo-mouse, and a horned toad.

Last year it was estimated that there were 47,000 head of sheep, and about 6000 head of cattle on the Reserve. Under the protection of the rangers grazing conditions are rapidly improving, the cattle- and sheep-men being held strictly to certain rules laid down by the Supervisor.

Four miles beyond Emerald Bay is Tallac, one of the historic resorts on the Lake. Tallac was originally Yanks. In 1878 he bought, changed the name, and thenceforward Tallac became known. Little by little, as Yank had done, so Baldwin bought from sheep-men, squatters, and others until he had quite a holding. The hotel was built and in 1879 Sharp Brothers ran it. In 1880 Capt.

At last, seeing the hash the sheep-men were making of it, the drovers set to work, and in a little while, without a shout, or crack of a whip, had cut out the required number. These the head drover delivered to the buyer, simply remarking, "Many's the time you never cut-out cattle."