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Carelessly she flung at Diller a question. "From what part of the East did you say?" He was on the spot promptly this time. "From Keokuk." "Keokuk, Indiana?" "Iowa," he smiled. "Oh, is it Iowa?" He had sidestepped her little trap, but she did not give up. "Just arrived?" "I've been herding sheep for a month." "Oh, sheep-herding!"

There was something about sheep-herding that made me think of Jesus Christ and the country round about Bethlehem. I have found a kind of peace here." Douglas cleared his throat. "How long have you been at it?" "A couple of years." "How was it you couldn't earn a living, preaching?" "It's an age of unfaith," replied the preacher. "I don't believe it's, an age of unfaith."

I shied round the outskirts of the Fork, picking up jobs of sheep-herding just to have time to turn things over. I know what you're thinking about you're saying to yourself, 'Well, here's a nice father-in-law? Well, now, I don't know anything about your people, but the Wetherfords are as good as anybody.

"If you do," muttered Copley, close under the bat, "I'll swallow the ball." A moment later Rod swung at a corner cutter, whirled all the way round, and sprang at Copley, a look of such blazing wrath in his eyes that the red-headed catcher retreated with ludicrous haste. "You onery, sheep-herding skunk!" rasped the Texan. "If you touch my bat again, I'll grease the ground with you!

It is highly probable that the introduction of fences will have its effect in other ways than in increasing the number of lambs born and reared. Sheep-herding will almost disappear when the wild beasts of Texas are extinct, as they soon will be, for a fenced country is very unfit for such animals.

You mean chase 'em around and bark at 'em like collie dogs. Well, I might, says I. 'I've never exactly done any sheep-herding, but I've often seen 'em from car windows masticating daisies, and they don't look dangerous. "'I'm short a herder, says the ranchman. 'You never can depend on the Mexicans. I've only got two flocks.

Her legs were rooted in the tough muck as if they were the fangs of a colossal tooth, but Tuck pulled it; and having now rounded out an honest day's work, his fancy turned toward the fire of the sheep-herding Pete Harding. Pete was a congenial spirit, even if he was not much of a horseman, and he had a pack of cards with which he passed much time, trying to beat himself at solitaire.

"Of course, living and sleeping in the clean open, I started right in to mend. I was away months at a time. Every time I came back, she was worse. She just couldn't pick up. But we were learning. I jerked her out of that town, and she went to sheep-herding with me.

The following day he resumed his snaillike pace, crawling out of the fertile valley to the grasslands beyond, and so on and on until the night found him in the salt pan and the alkali. He passed the Brandon ranch at Three Creek, long since sold and now occupied by a couple of Basques who had built up from sheep-herding for wages until they now owned and ran a fair flock of sheep.

"That's her." Here was a sufficient subject. Recollection failed to bring up a parallel. It was something new in sheep-herding. "Well," said Sloan, finally, "a man's liable to end almost anywhere if he takes it into his head to herd sheep. They can raise all of them they want, but I 'll stick to cattle; 'specially in spring.