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At the sight of the little insects they threw themselves on them, killed them, and devoured them. If we compare these facts with those which pass in human societies, it will seem to us that these latter Hymenoptera behave like a horde of hunters in the presence of a flock of sheep, while the first have already arrived at the sheep-herding stage.

Her disdain implied that if he were fit for nothing better than sheep-herding, the West could find precious little use for him. "It was all I could get to do." "Where did you say you wrangled Mary's little lamb?" "In the Catalinas." "Whose outfit?" Question and answer were tossed back and forth lightly, but both were watching warily. "Outfit?" he repeated, puzzled. "Yes. Who were you working for?"

Conversation can take such quick turns. Words, even mere things, can pop up with such unlooked-for allusions. They had drifted into some remarks upon sheep-herding, a trying occupation. Mr. Brown attested its monotonous and wearing nature. "Yes," she said, "it must be so. No doubt you are always glad enough, Mr. Brown, when the time comes to get back home again." "Yes I prefer town to this.

There was no anger about it. The stone had been slung leisurely. Before that, the boy had been brought in from his sheep-herding to be anointed king. Samuel had seen it in a vision, and not otherwise.... David found Saul's armor irksome, took up his staff, and went to the brook for good, sizable stones, just as if he had spied a wolf slavering at the herds from the brow of the hill....

"How in time do you happen to be sheep-herding all by your lone a thousand miles from nowhere, Miss Lee?" She explained the circumstances after she had moved forward to warm herself by the fire. For already night was bringing a chill breeze with it. The man cooking the coffee looked up and nodded pleasantly, continuing his work.

Pete, in his way, had aspirations vague as yet, but slowly shaping toward a higher plane than the herding of sheep. He had had experiences enough for a man twice his age, and he knew that he had ability. As Andy White had said, it was wasting good time, this sheep-herding. Well, perhaps something would turn up.

You won't enjoy traveling' so fast, if you're a little tender footed. "That's better now you're actin' like ladies!" The air was redolent of sheep and sagebrush, and pink and amber streaks shot up to paint out the dimming stars. Bowers drew a deep breath of satisfaction. O man! but sheep-herding was a great life in summer like drawing, wages through a vacation.

"We talked it over, she and I. Then I jumped the family doctor and consulted an up-to-date expert. He told me what I'd figured out for myself, and said Arizona was the place for us. We pulled up stakes and went down no money, nothing. I got a job sheep-herding, and left her in town a lung town. It was filled to spilling with lungers.

When the wind died down the night was no longer unpleasantly cool; and Hare, finding August Naab uncommunicative and sleepy, strolled along the rim of the cliff, as he had been wont to do in the sheep-herding days.

By such means, by such a formula, had the very world itself been made. Though snow lay upon its slopes and ice bound ancient blocks of lava together, it might at any hour awake again and renew the terrors which once must have floated over the seas in a gust of flame. With the introduction of fences, which are now coming in with tremendous rapidity, sheep-herding as an art is inevitably doomed.