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So I calls to this yere incendiary trooper where he's blowin' an' experimentin' an' still failin' with them flames. "" Secesh!" I shouts; "oh, you-all secesh! You'd a mighty sight better come get your hoss, or them Yanks who's bulgin' along over yonder'll spread your hide on the fence." "'This reb takes a look at the Yanks, an' then comes an' gets his hoss.

When near the river, and in a deep ravine, they were suddenly fired upon by a number of Secesh Cavalry, and ordered to halt. But, instead of obeying this command, they put spurs to their horses, and made "tracks" as fast as possible, the Rebels firing several volleys after them.

I reckon she won't trust herself in Washington again in a hurry." "But I cannot stay here; my career is in the field." "Your career is alongside o' me, honey and Boompointer. But nearer ME. We'll fix all that. I heard something about your being in disgrace, but the story was that you were sweet on some secesh girl down there, and neglected your business, Kla'uns.

In 1813 German rough levies fought almost before they were drilled, and at Bautzen French recruits were victorious over Prussians, Russians, and Austrians. The secesh fight with fresh levies, etc. Numerous political intriguers surrounding McClellan are busily laying tracks for him to the White House.

"But we are in a hurry. We don't want to go back," exclaimed Tom; and it was plain to every one in the room that the bare proposition frightened him. "I don't suppose you do want to go back," said the leader, in a significant tone, "but we can't help that. It's time you Secesh were taught that you can't go prowling about through the country imposing upon Union men whenever you feel like it.

So the people of the Union will not submit to an amputation, and is uneasy to see how unskilfully its own family doctors treat the national disease. Port Royal, South Carolina, taken. Great and general rejoicing. It is a brilliant feat of arms, but a questionable military and war policy. Those attacks on the circumference, or on extremities, never can become a death-blow to secesh.

I have since learned that our non-committal Chaplain had been a Professor in some Southern College; and, though he maintained that he had no secesh proclivities, I can testify that he seceded from his ministerial duties, I may say, skedaddled; for, being one of his own words, it is as appropriate as inelegant.

One was a supposed life in the Shenandoah Valley in Virginia. Robert used to plan the whole house and grounds; just what horses he would keep, what hounds, what cows, and other stock. He planned all the neighbors' houses, and who should live in them. There were the Fairfaxes, very nice, but rather secesh; and the Sydneys, who had been loyal through and through.

I doan' say de sentiment continnered on, but jest dat 'casion seemed ter me like dar was a Yank somewhars es I wouldn't hev ben agin seein' takin' a whuppin' from some'un, Secesh or no Secesh." "What else did ye lose, Unc' Matt?" someone said when the laugh died down. "Well, I lose a wife kinder cook dat dar ain't no 'demnity kin make up fer when de Lawd's removed 'em.

By their arrogance the Englishmen are offensive to all the nations of the world; but they are still more so by their ingrained snobbyism. A part of the young foreign diplomacy here have a very strong secesh bend; they consider the slaveholders to be aristocrats, and thus like to acquire an aristocratic perfume.