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He was generously desirous of saving John from further humiliation. "Will you go away quietly if I will let you up, John?" he asked. "No, d you!" returned John, writhing, his face almost livid with passion. "I am sorry," said Frank, "for in that case I must continue to hold you down." "What is the trouble, boys?" came from an unexpected quarter. It was Mr.

"On that, sir, I have reserved my judgment; there may be much good, and there are certainly saving means in both; but every man must act according to his own lights. I hope I have done, and am in the course of doing, my Master's work in this Highland parish; and it would ill become me, for the sake of lucre, to leave my sheep in the wilderness.

I had some vague idea that the rasping voice of Fu-Manchu broke once through the turmoil, and when, with my wrists tied behind me, I emerged from the strife to find myself lying beside Smith in the passage, I could only assume that the Chinaman had ordered his bloody servants to take us alive; for saving numerous bruises and a few superficial cuts, I was unwounded.

They will do their duty, if we do ours in saving them a country to which they can be loyal.

First and last the sinner does nothing but destroy himself: all the saving work is done for him, none of it by him. This is one side of salvation, and it is the only side that is represented here. It seems hard to conceive how any converted man can be troubled by doubt or difficulty concerning this doctrine.

The King was indeed shortly to justify this confidence by saving France from a war with a European coalition, about the Eastern question a war into which we were being led by the imprudence of M. Thiers and the bragging of our press and which could have ended in nothing but disaster. The governmental machine worked meanwhile, as a whole, with tolerable smoothness.

But if they say, as they are accustomed: Still Baptism is itself a work, and you say works are of no avail for salvation; what then, becomes of faith? God's works, however, are saving and necessary for salvation, and do not exclude, but demand, faith; for without faith they could not be apprehended.

"State violence can only cease when there are no more wicked men in society," say the champions of the existing order of things, assuming in this of course that since there will always be wicked men, it can never cease. And that would be right enough if it were the case, as they assume, that the oppressors are always the best of men, and that the sole means of saving men from evil is by violence.

Ormsby's smile was heartening and good for sore nerves. "I like your pluck, Kent; I'll be hanged if I don't. And I'll back you to win, yet." Kent shook his head unhopefully. "Don't mistake me," he said. "I am fighting for the pure love of it, and not with any great hope of saving the stock-holders. These grafters have us by the nape of the neck.

Neither should we be persuaded by them to give up a state to which we are called; for we should embrace our true vocation at any sacrifice, that in it we may serve God better, and be more certain of saving our souls. Thus, parents and guardians who prevent their children from entering the state to which they are called may sin grievously by exposing them to eternal loss of salvation.