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Updated: August 10, 2024

Eight years ago he used on every occasion to say, "'Umble respecks and duty," and his patrons of that date used always to fall into fits of laughter and make him repeat ''Umble respecks and duty'; then he began to adopt a more complicated expression: 'No, that's too, too k'essk'say, and with the same brilliant success; two years later he had invented a fresh saying: 'Ne voo excite vooself pa, man of sin, sewn in a sheepskin, and so on.

Lysander fell to work with an energy born of disgust for another's uselessness. "Seein' I'm here, I reckon nobody'll objeck to my payin' my respecks to the old woman," continued the newcomer, glancing from the crown of his hat to Lysander's impassive face with covert inquiry. "I guess if you c'n stand it, the rest of us'll have to," sneered his son-in-law.

And after a silence that might almost be felt, uneasy voices began to sound aboard the schooner, until a chorus of furious howlings announced the discovery of a sad miscarriage of an unseamanly trick. "That's where they get theirs!" chuckled Rolfe, listening rapturously, forgetting for the moment his own sorry plight. "My respecks, sir. You 'm all the mustard in the sangwidge!"

Sez I, "Albert Edard, is that you?" & he smilt & sed it was. Sez I, "Albert Edard, hears my keerd. I cum to pay my respecks to the futer King of Ingland. The Kurnal of the Seventy Onesters hear is ruther smawl pertaters, but of course you ain't to blame fur that. He puts on as many airs as tho he was the Bully Boy with the glass eye."

Having at last succeeded in sealing her packet to her satisfaction and the diminishing of the stick of sealing wax she had found in the drawer, Miranda slid out the front door, and by a detour went to David Spafford’s office. “Good afternoon, Mr. Clark,” she said to the clerk importantly. “Grandma sends her respecks and wants to know ef you’d be so kind as to back this letter fer her to Mr.

That reminded him of the deceased Sam, and he turned again to the monument. "Goo'bye, Sam," he cried suddenly, under the impression that he had been to a funeral. "I've paid me respecks to an ol' fren', an' now we'll both sleep in peace." "Come away and leave him," whispered Clara, trembling with disgust and mortification. "No fear!" said Jonah.

My best respecks to the guidwife and a' our common friens, especiall Mr. and Mrs. Cruikshank, and the honest guidman o' Jock's Lodge. I'll be in Dumfries the morn gif the beast be to the fore, and the branks bide hale. Gude be wi' you, Willie! Amen! LI.-To MR. WILLIAM NICOL. MAUCHLINE, June l8, 1787.

There was such evident expectation in his face that the guard seemed afraid to disappoint it. 'I was to give you her respecks and compliments, he said slowly 'or was it her love, now? he substituted quickly, after a glance at Mark's face, 'and you was not to be in a way about her, and she'd be seein' of you again before very long, and 'That's all a lie, you know, said Mark, calmly.

"I hav cum to pay my respecks to you, Mister Napoleon, hopin I see you hale and harty." "I am quite well," he sed. "Air you well, sir?" "Sound as a cuss!" I answerd. He seemed to be pleased with my ways, and we entered into conversation to onct. "How's Lewis?" I axed, and he sed the Emperor was well. Eugeny was likewise well, he sed.

I shall not vse further motiues, my condition in other respecks & w't my trouble & expenses haue been according to my poor ability in my place being not altogether vnknowne to some of ye Court. That ye Lord's prsence may be with & his blessing accompany all yo'r psons, Counsells, & endeauors for his honor & ye weale of his poor people is ye pray'r of Yo'r supplliant

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