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These and the like phrases, though many of them be metaphorical, yet do all of them clearly evince, that sin must first have a being before it can be pardoned. Nehemiah, chap. ix. Ezra, chap. ix. and Daniel, chap. ix. Confessing and forsaking of it, Prov. xxviii. 13. Sorrowing for it, and repenting of it, and laying hold on Christ by faith, &c.

No one in these days, knowing and repenting of the crime, would hesitate a moment, or fancy himself bound, because he had committed one vile sin in pledging himself thus to guilt, to rush on deeper yet into the perpetration of wickedness. The sin were in the swearing, not in the breaking of an oath so vile and shameful.

The exclamation was accompanied by a powerful swing from the shoulder, which flung the young man head-long into the road, Fitzpiers fell with a heavy thud upon the stumps of some undergrowth which had been cut during the winter preceding. Darling continued her walk for a few paces farther and stopped. "God forgive me!" Melbury murmured, repenting of what he had done.

In the grounds, a few rods from the palace, stands the Margravine's chapel, just as she left it a coarse wooden structure, wholly barren of ornament. It is said that the Margravine would give herself up to debauchery and exceedingly fast living for several months at a time, and then retire to this miserable wooden den and spend a few months in repenting and getting ready for another good time.

In reality he had only two passions women and money. After spending two wearisome hours with Medini, whose wit was great and his judgment small, after heartily repenting of having yielded to my curiosity and having paid him a visit, I said shortly that I could do nothing for him. Despair drives men crazy; as I was making for the door, he seized me by the collar.

The Lord is addressing such as mean to put off repenting and praying, and serving him, to another time, when sickness or some other calamity shall frighten them into calling on him for pardon and help.

Lucia hung her head for a moment, and then raised it saucily, confident that, as she stood half in shadow, her glowing cheeks could not be seen. "Why are you vexed with me?" she asked. But it was not so easy to answer the question straightforwardly, and Mrs. Bellairs paused, half repenting that she had spoken. "Do you know," she said, "what people are beginning to call you?

"A woman would have managed to find out where he was," retorted Edna. "His landlady's a woman," rejoined Larcher, doggedly, "and she hasn't managed to find out." "Has she been trying to?" "Well no," stammered Larcher, repenting. "Yes, she has!" said Edna, with a changed manner. "But what for? Why is she concerned? There's something behind this, Tom I can tell by your looks.

'In the first place, Cousin Ridd, grandfather will be angry with himself, for having so ill-used you. And now he is so weak and poorly, that he is always repenting. In the next place I shall scold him first, until he admits his sorrow; and when he has admitted it, I shall scold myself for scolding him.

"Well, if he is, it ain't anybody's business but mine." Then evidently repenting her harshness, she added, "I got tickets to a dance-hall up-town to-night. I'll take you along if you want to look on. You wouldn't catch me dancing with any of those roughnecks." Nance found looking on an agonizing business. Not that she wanted to dance with the roughnecks any more than Birdie did.