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Updated: August 20, 2024

By the lithe-limbed, soft-eyed descendants of the forgotten and mysterious race that once quickened the land, this lonely outlier of the isles of the Southern Seas is called in their soft tongue Rapanui, or the Great Rapa.

The truffle is mostly found in beech woods: I have mentioned this, because it is very generally met with at table, although it is not in cultivation. TURNEPS. Brassica Rapa. The varieties in use for garden culture are, the Early Dutch, the Early Stone, and the Mouse-tail Turnep. The culture and uses of the turnep are too well known to require any description.

But the man looked at me and groaned. "It was all a mistake," he said; "the bill is for the house next door." That settled him, for he worried my dreams no more; and it settled me, too, for I woke up chuckling at the episode. It was three in the morning. I went up on deck. Henry, the Rapa islander, was steering. I looked at the log. It recorded forty-two miles.

In the course of that eventful year and a quarter she had zigzagged the whole chart of the eastern Pacific; and from French Frigate Shoals to Pitcairn, from Diamond Head to Little Rapa, she had sounded and plotted reefs innumerable, and had covered, with a searching persistency, vast areas of blue water dotted with e. d.'s and p. d.'s.

Henry, the Rapa man, looked with troubled eyes; so did Tehei, the Tahaa man. "No passage, there," said Henry. "We go there, we finish quick, sure." I confess I thought so, too; but I ran on abreast, watching to see if the line of breakers from one side the entrance did not overlap the line from the other side. Sure enough, it did. A narrow place where the sea ran smooth appeared.

RAPA, or Oparree; from the accounts given of it by Ellis and Vancouver, there does not appear to be any reef. I. DE BASS is an adjoining island, of which I cannot find any account. KEMIN Island; Krusenstern seems hardly to know its position, and gives no further particulars.

Albright, toss the tobacco to that one-eyed brute." While the Rapa men dived for the fish, Albright threw a bundle of trade tobacco ashore. The one-eyed man nodded his head and writhed his features in an attempt at amiability. Weapons were lowered, bows unbent, and arrows put back in their quivers. "They know tobacco," Grief announced, as they rowed back aboard. "We'll have visitors.

The trade in shells is one of extreme antiquity in Ceylon. The Gulf of Manaar has been fished from the earliest times for the large chank shell, Turbinella rapa, to be exported to India, where it is still sawn into rings and worn as anklets and bracelets by the women of Hindustan.

I would make Rapa, in the Austral Group, my head station, or else Manga Reva in the southern Paumotus Niâbon should decide. The low cloud to windward lifted, the red sun leapt from the sea-rim, and then I felt a soft hand on my arm. "What are you thinking of, Jim? I called you twice, but you did not hear.

He swelled his biceps proudly under the thin sleeve, reached for the two black stewards, and put them above his head like a pair of dumbbells. "Come on! Swing out on that fore-boom-tackle!" Carlsen shouted from aft, where the mainsail was being winged out. Pankburn dropped the stewards and raced for it, beating a Rapa sailor by two jumps to the hauling part.

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