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The girl's pale cheeks were now touched with a delicate carmine, such as shines between the fingers of a hand held up against a light. The flush seemed to heighten and enhance her beauty, or rather it lent her a novel kindling charm that struck home upon Rallywood's mood. 'What have you been doing? she asked with interest. 'Breaking glasses with the Guard, he replied.

But the circumstances of Rallywood's life, and perhaps also some exclusive element in his character, had heretofore set him rather apart from the influence of women. He had grown to regard them without curiosity, which is the last stage indifference can reach.

Its forlornness had been lost upon Unziar, who had drawn but one merciless conclusion from the little scene. Close on the heels of these reflections a vivid recollection rose before Rallywood's mind of the first night he had met her.

Wallenloup grunted. 'As the wife of our colonel-in-chief, madame, I feel sure your kindness will be appreciated, he said grimly. Madame de Sagan's blue eyes glanced up into Rallywood's face as her fingers touched his breast. 'No, as your friend, she said softly. Then all at once Rallywood discovered how numerous were his friends and well-wishers in Maäsau.

'That settles more questions than one! he said mockingly. 'For example, it settles a question which most concerns you and me, Rallywood. 'Concerns me? Rallywood flung back the words. 'Would you deny it? You are as deep in that as I, nodding towards the door behind them. Rallywood's answer came slowly. 'I do not deny it. Why should I wish to?

Rallywood's offence had outraged the fundamental principle of the Guard, the blind self-sacrificing obedience which in trivial as in vital matters demanded the merging of the private individual with hopes and conscience of his own into the body corporate of the Guard. With the single exception of Unziar, no man present was acquainted with the details of Rallywood's crime.

His case has been laid before a court-martial of his brother officers, and he has been condemned to be shot. The trial has been conducted with justice. 'What were Captain Rallywood's orders, then? 'He was ordered to carry certain dispatches to the Chancellor, but he carried them elsewhere for his own purposes. The Duke nodded slowly and half closed his eyes.

The air was stifling to both, for Counsellor knew what was in his companion's heart and even felt a far-off pity for him, but no relenting. Rallywood's handsome brown face had grown suddenly sharp and aged, and his gray eyes contracted to dark points under their frowning lids.

Colendorp and Adolf, as representing Unziar, accompanied Rallywood's seconds to make the necessary arrangements. Meanwhile, Rallywood strolled back to the gallery above the ballroom, and looked down at the dancers.

'Meanwhile take the gifts the gods have sent you to-day, and he pointed to the long, heavily sealed envelope that lay at Rallywood's elbow. 'Selpdorf, I see, already has his finger upon you. Rallywood broke the great seals, and, having read, he tossed the paper into the other's hands. 'He wishes to see me at 9.30. What can he want with me? he asked.