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'We have murder here! The words fell like an accusation. Rallywood's eyes were alight now. It took little penetration to picture how Colendorp had met his death. Round the grave, Sagan's horse with its heavy smoking quarters trampled and fretted under the remorseless hand upon the curb. The Count could bear no more opposition. His fury overcame him.

Before he plunged into the lower ravines Rallywood turned to look back at the angry towers of Sagan. He was thinking of Colendorp. Under their shadow that lonely and reckless life had come to its close. Why or by whose hand might never be made clear, but Rallywood's mind had worked down to the conviction that the Count might be able to tell the story.

'I think, Colendorp, you will agree with me that as men of honour we must consider the matter ended. 'And in Captain Rallywood's favour? asked Colendorp suddenly. 'Certainly. What do you say, gentlemen? Adiron spoke with warmth. 'I suppose we must concede that it was neatly done, and that Captain Rallywood deserves his success, agreed Adolf with some constraint.

No suspicion crossed his thoughts that Rallywood was probably taking his last ride through the sunny streets, that at every stride of his high-stepping horse he drew nearer to the final scene of all. He had gathered from Rallywood's bearing that the difficulties in his path had somehow been surmounted. Rallywood was capable.

'Who can say? returned Counsellor. 'A fortune or a colossal misfortune. Ah! there is Madame Aspard. Au revoir, Count. Counsellor passed on, perfectly well aware of the heavy meaning attached to the wilful ignoring of Rallywood's appointment to the Guard by its colonel-in-chief. There was certainly danger ahead.

He was a man quite capable of losing himself in a cause; therefore, as he approached the other seconds, he came as a partisan of Rallywood's, resolved that his man should have his will in spite of all or any opposition.

The words were lightly spoken, but Valerie Selpdorf, looking up into Rallywood's eyes, understood that he was likely to be able to make any words of his good.

They poison pleasure even when they do not altogether deprive us of it. And what does one gain by them? Absolutely nothing, not so much as the good opinion of our friends, who can never be brought to believe we possess them, said a man in a mocking tone. A distinctly uncomfortable sensation pervaded Rallywood's mind for the second which preceded the reply.

Major Counsellor was greeted with effusion; Rallywood with raised eyebrows and a slight reserve. 'I had hoped to welcome the new captain of the Guard this evening, Selpdorf said in a low voice and with a significant glance at Rallywood's velveteens. 'I have not yet joined, your Excellency. To-morrow I hope to have that honour, returned Rallywood and passed on into the gallery beyond.

'But, Baron, where is then your domino? It is not yet midnight, she exclaimed, her hand still remaining on Rallywood's arm. 'Listen! von Elmur raised his hand. 'The happy moment arrives when the beautiful faces we long to see He gave the rest of the sentence to the ear of Mademoiselle Selpdorf, who stood silently looking on at the little scene.