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'From the frontier, Mademoiselle. 'Will you give me your arm? What has happened? Has Major Counsellor come back? she whispered as they went up the steps. 'He is at the Ford. He has met with an accident. Valerie said no more, but as she entered the hall she read Rallywood's face. 'Has his Excellency returned? she asked of an attendant. 'Then place refreshments in the small library.

'Thank God! It was not more than the faintest whisper from Rallywood as he sprang at his companion. But there was no report, only an ominous click as Counsellor flung the unloaded revolver in Rallywood's face with a bitter word. 'It was not loaded. Hardly had they closed when the door was opened and a couple of men supported Unziar into the room.

A new doubt, the old affection, and a strange helplessness mingled in the words, and they cut deep into Rallywood's ears. 'That was a bad knock on the head, muttered the Major apologetically, and sank forward on the horse's neck again unconscious. The road towards the block-house ran along the river bank past the Kofn Ford.

Presently a burly old man in the glittering green and gold of the Guard disengaged himself from the curtains at the back of the gallery, and nodding a supercilious acknowledgment of Rallywood's salute, brought his hand down with a rough heartiness on Counsellor's shoulder. 'Back again in Maäsau, Major Counsellor.

According to the immemorial fashion of love, they understood and misunderstood each other alternately playing high and low at every other moment upon the wide gamut of feeling, touching faint sweet notes that would echo for ever. Rallywood's self-control was giving way a little, and she instinctively felt her power and used it.

The first action of most young men in Rallywood's place would have been to raise it at once and to examine it, as though in some impalpable manner it could tell something of its unknown wearer, who might turn out to be the Hathor, the one woman in the world.

'What does it matter if we die to-night or a month hence? Isolde spoke in a low voice; her heart had unconsciously been gathering up bitterness against Valerie, and she had no longer the strength to conceal it under this unbearable strain. 'Valerie, you have stooped to meanness you who have so scorned meanness in others. You knew long ago what Rallywood's love was to me.