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Updated: August 5, 2024

A wire-haired black and tan terrier was once common in Suffolk and Norfolk, where it was much used for rabbiting, but it may now be extinct, or, if not extinct, probably identified with the Welsh Terrier, which it closely resembled in size and colouring.

For rabbiting, the lurcher was and is the dog of all others. He is as cunning and wily in approaching his game as if he had a cross of feline nature in his character. Other dogs trust to speed; but the lurcher steals on his prey without a sound.

The big dog, Joker, lived at a farm in the village, and, during the leisure of summer, when rabbiting did not engage his attention, took to wandering by the river, joining the bathers in their sport and poking his nose inquisitively under the alder-roots along the bank.

And once more it was his nephew, Ernest, who brought the tale. "I've found a wondrous pit in the rough ground beyond Four Acre Field," he said. "I came upon it this afternoon, rabbiting, and but for the blessing of God, should have falled in, for the top's worn away and some big stones have fallen in. 'Tis just off the path in that clitter of stone beside the stile."

Either he went rabbiting in the woods, like a poacher, or he stayed in Nottingham all night instead of coming home, or he miscalculated his dive into the canal at Bestwood, and scored his chest into one mass of wounds on the raw stones and tins at the bottom. He had not been at his work many months when again he did not come home one night. "Do you know where Arthur is?" asked Paul at breakfast.

"I'm sorry to come down and find you in disgrace, Frank. Not the conduct of one who means to be an officer and a gentleman by and by." "No, no: don't say any more," said the General. "The boy behaved very well. Liked a bit of sport; all boys do. He shall have a bit of rabbiting now and then." "Then I shall say no more," said my uncle.

Our visit was as welcome as it was unexpected, and we celebrated it by the whole day off, when all hands went "rabbiting." When at the end, hot and tired, we gathered round a huge log fire in the woods and discussed boiling cocoa and pork buns, we all agreed that it had been a day worth living for. Logging had progressed favourably.

When shooting, the sportsman prefers spaniels, particularly certain "strains" of black and brown cockers untiring little workers with a keen, true power of scent which for many years have been common in the neighbourhood; and the farmer's sheep-dog is unfitted for any sport except rabbiting.

"You stop yourself," cried Magglin. "You've got them as belongs to the ferret and was rabbiting. Good-night." "Will you stop, or am I to shoot?" cried Hopley.

She had a thought that but for Terry's rabbiting, which had led him anywhere without thought of trespass, the body might have lain there a long time undiscovered. Very few people cared, even in daylight, to go close up to the tomb. "What sort of a man?" asked Patsy, beetling his brows at her. "A tramp, Mr. Terry thought." "It wouldn't be that villain." "That is just what I thought of.

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