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I would rather have lost a thousand dollars than had Nell Darrel slain." "She wan't wuth no sich money," growled Brower. "How do you know what she was worth, you miserable brute?" snarled the Professor, in an angry voice. "I take it, that I know more about it than you do." "See here, boss, aren't you goin' on a bin run for nothin'? Whar'd you be now if I hadn't gin Dyke Darrel his quietus?

For some time he crouched beside the rock, listening. Then rising to his feet, with a smile of satisfaction upon his grim, sinister features, he said, in soliloquy, "They're down there, no doubt of it; and dead long before this. One of the two must have been he. Who the other matters not Carrai! I'd like to have had a look at him too, and let him see who has given him his quietus.

It is a gentle quietus! and you ought to thank me for it! It is better than solitary imprisonment for life! I will give you absolution for taking it provided I see you swallow it before I go! and I will declare to the Church that I left you shrived of your sins, and clean! Half an hour after I leave you, you will sleep! and wake in Heaven! Make your choice!"

At once the poet began: "When he himself might his quietus make " "With a bare bodkin" broke in the excited girl. "Who would fardels bear, to grunt and sweat beneath a weary life, but that the thought of something after death the undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveller returns puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear the ills we have than fly to others that we know not of.

The cat which I choose to believe is Paul Lessingham's has received its quietus; in the morning I'll send it back to him, with my respectful compliments. He'll miss it if I don't. Reflect! think of a huge bomb, filled with what we'll call Atherton's Magic Vapour, fired, say, from a hundred and twenty ton gun, bursting at a given elevation over the heads of an opposing force.

But I've given Master Zancudo his quietus; and he won't trouble me again." Though the gaucho thinks he has at last got the clue to what has been mystifying them, like all skilled tacticians he intends for a time keeping it to himself. So, saying no more, he leaves his young companion to return to his slumbers: which the latter soon does.

"No doubt just after he got that crack on the head he did see a bulky package taken downstairs. But then he says he heard the door open and a cab whistled for by the night porter. Now that's impossible, seeing that the night porter got his quietus also. Now who called up that cab? Evidently somebody did, and no doubt the cab came. Well, we shall find that cab.

For a week Bucky had been in the little border town of Noches, called there by threats of a race war between the whites and the Mexicans. Having put the quietus on this, he was returning to Epitaph by way of the Huachuca Mountains.

Tell me also how the sons of Kunti fought the battle with Karna, and how that slayer of foes received his quietus in the fight!"

They said it would be a good thing to surprise the new pastor with a house-warming. Mrs. Hardcap proposed that the sewing society meet there that afternoon. But Miss Moore objected strongly. She said it would cost nearly as much to provide a supper for the whole congregation as to furnish a good bed-room set. I think, though, it was really little Miss Flidgett who put a quietus on that plan.