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That is the third trunk that I have seen passed into the boat marked P. P." Captain Ducie smiled, and answered, "You will call it a bad pun if I say P. P. see," pointing to Paul, who was coming from the cabin attended by Captain Truck. The latter was conversing warmly, gesticulating towards the corvette, and squeezing his companion's hand. "Am I to understand," said Mr.

He realized how utterly impossible it was to teach truth to those who did not desire truth, and the vanity of replying to men for whom a pun answered the purposes of fact. As he could neither teach nor lecture at Florence, his services to the Court were valueless. He was a disgraced and silenced man.

You can't think how many times I've thought how interesting it would be to see you two meet. It's so unusual to have the same name, especially when it's such a strange name as yours. There's a pun. I simply can't help making them. My brother says I inherited all the sense of humor in the family. I don't know why I do it, but I always see a joke. Can you tell me why I do it?"

Its intention had not been to suggest inclusion of George and Kathryn in her pun, it had only with pure justice put it to her to ask herself what her own personal decision in such a matter would be. "You do feel as if you were her mother," she said. "And you are a practical, clear-minded woman. It is only if I myself am willing to take such a step that I have a right to ask it of other people.

"Never mind, Hetty, so long as he sends you capital letters," returned Mrs Twitter, perpetrating the first pun she had been guilty of since she was a baby; "and, truly, this is a charming letter, though short." "Yes, it's rather short, but it might have been shorter," said Mrs Frog, indulging in a truism.

"You mention the cigar-stand first." "Why not? Smoke is more real than empty sound." "Are you not equally empty, Ik, save after dinner? How have the preceding hours of this long day been killed?" "Like boas. They have enfolded me with a weary weight." "The snakes in your comparison are larger than your pun, and the pun, rather than yourself, suggests a constrictor's squeeze."

Hows'ever here's the loaf and the tea-pot an' the kettle. Now, Mrs Gaff, you're an attentive creetur, nevertheless you've forgot bilin' water, an', moreover, there an't no water in the house. Ah, here's a bucket; that'll do; I'll go to the well an' help myself; it's well that I can do it," said Haco, chuckling at his own pun with great satisfaction as he went out to the back of the house.

What they mean is nothing, they arrest a quiet decent-minded man like myself with the same spasmodic disgust as a pun in literature the subject is a transparent excuse; they are mere indecent and unedifying exhibitions of himself. He thinks it is something superlative to do everything in a startling way. He cannot even sign his name without being offensive.

"The old name translated means 'Diana's Grove. Then the next one higher than it, but just beyond it, is called 'Mercy' in all probability a corruption or familiarisation of the word Mercia, with a Roman pun included. We learn from early manuscripts that the place was called Vilula Misericordiae.

"Brand!" whispered the echoes that drifted to the darkened corners of the cliff and were lost in voiceless murmurings. "Brand your own stock," came the answer, low and distinct. Overland laughed. It was their old-time pun upon the foreman's name. He got to his feet and approached. "It does me good," he said, extending his hand. "How is Collie?" asked Williams, dismounting.