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Updated: August 14, 2024

Wha wad mind what he said in the pu'pit, that had to wife the sister of a woman that was condemned for sic wickedness?" "But, Jeanie," pleaded her lover, "I do not believe, and I cannot believe, that Effie has done this deed." "Heaven bless ye for saying sae, Reuben," answered Jeanie; "but she maun bear the blame o't after all."

"Brothah Simon come in chu'ch dis mo'nin' an' he 'scended up de pulpit " "Well, what of that, are you not glad he is back?" "Hol' on, lemme tell you he 'scended up de pu'pit, an' 'menced his disco'se. Well, he hadn't no sooner got sta'ted when in walked one o' dem brazen Lousiany wenches " "Eliza!"

Another minister arriving at church drenched with rain, and claiming sympathy from his wife, is told by her to "Gang up into the pu'pit; ye'll be dry eneuch there." A story in a different spirit, said to have been reported to him by Lord Cockburn, is ascribed to a Scotch shepherd.

"Then your ears will be like to tingle wi' the news; for he has set himsel' in a' the high seats in Glasca' College; and folks talk o' naething less than a Glasca' pu'pit for him; and you ken, it tak's doctors in divinity to stand up afore a Glasca' congregation. Elder Mackelvine never wearies o' talking anent him.

It pained me to see one by whom I had had so much credit, and who, I was conscious, would make ane o' the brightest ornaments o' the pu'pit that ever entered it, throwing his learning and his talents awa', and doomed to be a labouring man.

The right man for the work that must be the ideal of the Church, that man and no other, whatever be the consequence in the way of offending well-to-do supporters whose dream it has been that son of theirs shall "wag his head in a pu'pit," whatever be the disappointment caused to the uninspired ambitions of callow youth or the conceit of later years. The pulpit is not for sale!

As Deans repelled with some force the rude pushes which he received on all sides, his figure and antiquated dress caught the attention of the rabble, who often show an intuitive sharpness in ascribing the proper character from external appearance, "Ye're welcome, whigs, Frae Bothwell briggs," "Mess David Williamson, Chosen of twenty, Ran up the pu'pit stair, And sang Killiecrankie,"

As Deans repelled with some force the rude pushes which he received on all sides, his figure and antiquated dress caught the attention of the rabble, who often show an intuitive sharpness in ascribing the proper character from external appearance, "Ye're welcome, whigs, Frae Bothwell briggs," "Mess David Williamson, Chosen of twenty, Ran up the pu'pit stair, And sang Killiecrankie,"

I kend a worthy minister, as gude a man, bating the deed they deposed him for, as ever ye heard claver in a pu'pit, that rapped to a hogshead of pigtail tobacco, just for as muckle as filled his spleuchan.* * Tobacco-pouch. But maybe ye are keeping your ain counsel weel, weel, there's nae harm in that.

I kend a worthy minister, as gude a man, bating the deed they deposed him for, as ever ye heard claver in a pu'pit, that rapped to a hogshead of pigtail tobacco, just for as muckle as filled his spleuchan.* * Tobacco-pouch. But maybe ye are keeping your ain counsel weel, weel, there's nae harm in that.

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