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"'The Crimes of Anton Probst," he continued to read, "'The Deeds of the Harper Family, 'The Murder of " here he paused, tossed the pamphlets aside with contempt, sat down and drew the tobacco jar toward him. "Some of the results of your forays into the basements of old booksellers, I suppose," he added, rolling a cigarette with delicate ease.

It seems to me that this is not too dear. In this way you ought to get, on receiving the second batch of manuscripts, from Pleyel 2,500 francs, and from Probst, for the Ballade, 500 or 600 francs, I do not quite remember, which makes altogether 3,000 francs. I asked Grzymala if he could send me immediately at least 500 francs, which need not prevent him from sending me soon the rest.

The gods know I am sincere. How does Probst get on with his wife? and do they live in bliss or in strife? most silly questions, upon my life! Adieu, angel! My father sends you his uncle's blessing, and a thousand cousinly kisses from my sister. Angel, adieu! THY sweet image, cousin mine, Hovers aye before me; Would the form indeed were thine! How I would adore thee!

If he mentions the Preludes, you may say that it is a thing long ago promised to Pleyel he wished to be the publisher of them; that he asked them from me as a favour before my departure from Paris as was really the case. You see, my very dear friend, for Pleyel I could break with Schlesinger, but for Probst I cannot. What is it to me if Schlesinger makes Probst pay dearer for my manuscripts?

You see, the last mazurkas brought me with ease 800 francs namely, Probst 300 francs, Schlesinger 400, and Wessel 100. I prefer giving my manuscripts as formerly at a very low price to stooping before these...I prefer being submissive to one Jew to being so to three. Therefore go to Schlesinger, but perhaps you settled with Pleyel. Oh, men, men! But this Mrs. Migneron, she too is a good one!

This artist is one of the few Austrian women artists who made all her studies in her native city. She was a pupil of Mme. Wisinger-Florian, Schilcher, C. Probst, and Rudolf Huber. Her pictures are of still-life. She is especially fond of painting birds and is successful in this branch of her art. <b>ELLENRIEDER, ANNA MARIE.</b> Born at Constance. 1791-1863.

You must write to Wessel doubtless you have already written about the Preludes. If you think he would not give so much, let me know first. Inform me also if Probst is in Paris. Further look out for a servant. I should prefer a respectable honest Pole. Tell also Grzymala of it. Stipulate that he is to board himself; no more than 80 francs.

Chopin to Fontana; Valdemosa, January 12, 1839: You will give the transcript to Probst, but my manuscript to Pleyel. When you get the money from Probst, for whom I enclose a receipt, you will take it at once to Leo. I do not write and thank him just now, for I have no time.

The letters you will leave in the writing-desk, and send the music to Johnnie, or take it to your own house. In the little table that stands in the anteroom there are also letters; you must lock it well. My love to Johnnie, I am glad he is better. Chopin to Fontana; March 17, 1839: I thank you for all your efforts. Pleyel is a scoundrel, Probst a scape-grace.

From this it came about that from the year when Basel entered the Swiss Confederation, in 1501, Gerster was almost as much at home in the "City of Ambassadors" as in his own, and the Dean or Probst of the Solothurn Cathedral the "Cathedral of St. Ursus and St. Victor" became not only his spiritual director, but one of his most intimate friends.