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The Bible was laying hold on the imagination of the people, making them serious, thoughtful, preparing them for the struggle for liberty which was soon to come. The plays of the time seemed too trifling or else too foul. The Puritans and the English people of the day were willing to be amused, if the stage would amuse them. They were willing to be taught, if the stage would teach them.

In the East, the most powerful of the native princes were preparing to subvert her authority.

The barn was only partly insured; and when she had met Stephen at the station next day, and condoled with him on his loss, he had said: "Oh, well, Mite, a little more or less doesn't make much difference just now." "The rest wouldn't interest you, Mrs. Brooks," said Rose, precipitately preparing to leave the room. "Something about Claude, I suppose," ventured that astute lady.

Perhaps this is because the method of preparing them seems simpler than that of infusion, because large quantities may be kept in small spaces, and because they can be used for every purpose that the fresh plants or the decoctions can be employed.

It made him strangely, deeply happy to know that she would see too that he had failed. "I've never had pity on anyone not even myself I've learnt nothing that matters." For a while they sat silent, looking into the fire, like people who are waiting and preparing themselves for some great event.

Bent upon exploring, I descended the cliff, and was preparing to cross, when my attention was attracted by the twinkle of a fire at some distance from me, on the opposite side; the flame rose and fell in fitful flashes, as though some hand were ministering to it at the moment.

The girl moved gently about, preparing and lighting the lamp, measuring the tea, her fair head bowed gracefully over her task, her dark eyes pensive and but half following what she did. Finally with a certain air of decision she seated herself on the arm of a chair. "Father," said she. "Yes." "A stranger came to-day with Louis Placide of Kettle Portage." "Well?"

Stop scurrying through the pathless mountains, since you know that your enemies are preparing hidden traps for you in these horrible, desolate places. Let the army move forward united, for each is made stronger by the presence of the other, so that if one part is attacked violently, the other may offer assistance.

"Well," he said, "you'll find when the redskins get nasty that the army blue looks pretty good." The other shrugged. The storekeeper tapped the holster hanging upon a thigh. "I carry a pop-gun regular." He set down the cup, pulled at his boot-legs and arose. "Ah reckon Ah c'n hol' my own, sah." Lancaster's pride was touched. "No doubt of it," assured the younger man, preparing to go.

The Prince of Orange urged upon the citizens to lose no time in preparing themselves for a second siege, to strengthen their walls, and, above all, to lay in stores of provisions.